Web3 Roundup

June 2022: Second edition of our biweekly newsletter!

Cardstack Team
3 min readJun 30, 2022


Web3 Trends & Insights

Hollywood and the entertainment industry have long been plagued by shady accounting practices, untrustworthy contracts, and slipshod financing. Web3 technologies like DLTs (distributed ledger technologies), DAOs (digital autonomous organizations), and NFTs (non-fungible tokens) offer new and better solutions to Hollywood economics that can bring about a more equitable future.

Check out our article about how Web3 can save the entertainment industry!

Other articles from the cryptosphere we enjoyed this month:

Web3 Watch Events

Join today’s fireside chat about DeFi and DAOs with MANTRA DAO’s Co-founder, Will Corkin.

Watch here.

Check out our latest fireside chats!

Cardstack’s Founding Director Chris Tse spoke about the BitcoinSV blockchain with BSV Association’s Founding President Jimmy Nguyen.

Recently, we also hosted fireside chats with…

Love podcasts? Our fireside chats are available on the streaming platforms below:

Project & Product Updates

Gnosis Safe

We are excited to announce that Cardstack is now a Gnosis Safe Guardian! Card Pay is powered by Gnosis Safe and we look forward to contributing to the continued adoption across the ecosystem.

Read the announcement here!

Latest updates

Cardstack recently welcomed three new members to the team!

  • Fadhlan Ridhwanallah, our latest Blockchain Developer, is now part of Cardstack’s Protocol team. | Learn more about Fadhlan here.
  • Paula Penedo joined the team as a Senior Developer. She works with the mobile development team on the Card Wallet project. | Learn more about Paula here.
  • Paulin Alcoser, Cardstack’s Software Engineering Intern, is working on the Card Pay Rewards Program. | Learn more about Paulin here.

What’s coming next?

  • Chris Tse speaking at the Ethereum Community Conference (EthCC)
  • Staking through Card Wallet
  • Launch of the Web3 CoOp
  • Invoicing, billing & payment solution for enterprises
  • More Web3 Watch events

Stay up-to-date:



Cardstack Team

Official account for the team behind the Cardstack project.