Web3 Roundup

August 2022: First edition of our biweekly newsletter!

Cardstack Team
4 min readAug 16, 2022


Project & Product Updates

We’re making a lot of progress on our technology stack!

Cardstack Protocol

  • Improving the modularity of the Card Pay Protocol
  • Extending the system to support scheduled & recurring payments
  • Deployed our off-chain computation service as part of staking

Cardstack Framework

  • Migrating features so that apps can run entirely in the browser

Cardstack Wallet

  • Integrated in-app purchases for profile creation
  • Updated the app to handle cross-platform encryption & decryption of keys via pin code

App Suite

  • Extending our end-to-end payment solution to handle B2B use cases

Read the tech update here.

Web3 Trends & Insights

Fixing data privacy with Web3 tools

The 2018 Facebook-Cambridge Analytica scandal shocked the world and forever changed the way we think about data. As the general public learned more and more about Big Tech companies like Facebook and Twitter harvesting their personal data, many began wondering if the utopian dreams promised by Silicon Valley throughout the last decade were all a sham. Today, data privacy is in total disarray. How can Web3 tools such as distributed ledger technology and block validation help clean up the mess?

Read our article about how Web3 can strengthen data privacy and make our digital lives more safe and secure.

All you need to know about crypto staking

Our beginner’s guide to crypto staking helps you wrap your head around the concept of staking. Read about:

  • The ins and outs of crypto staking
  • Proof-of-stake and proof-of-work consensus mechanisms
  • Blockchains that offer staking
  • Staking with Cardstack
  • And much more!

Keen to learn more about Cardstack’s staking system? Take a look at our recent staking announcement here!

Other articles from the cryptosphere we enjoyed this month:

Web3 Watch Events

Join our upcoming fireside chat about decentralized messaging with Matthew Wisniewski, Founder of Satellite.im.

Watch the fireside chat here.

Check out our latest fireside chats!

Cardstack’s Founding Director Chris Tse spoke with Masa Finance’s Founder Brendan Playford about the challenges of building a DeFi protocol.

Recently, we also hosted fireside chats with…

  • Navroop Sahdev, The Digital Economist’s CEO, about a blockchain-powered economy
  • Nader Dabit, Celestia’s DevRel, about building on modular blockchains

Web3 Watch fireside chats are on every Wednesday!

You can listen to each chat on these streaming platforms:

Spotify | Amazon Music | Apple Podcasts | Google Podcasts | Anchor

Meet the Cardstack Team

Introducing more of Cardstack’s Engineering team — meet the faces behind Cardstack Wallet!

  • Tech enthusiast Dani is our Senior Software Engineer. Learn about Dani’s adventures with Cardstack and her talents here.
  • As one of Cardstack’s Senior Developers, Doug works to bring new wallet features to life! Read more about Doug’s life and work here.

Stay up-to-date



Cardstack Team

Official account for the team behind the Cardstack project.