What’s New at Cardstack?

Progress update on Card Pay & Card Space

Cardstack Team
4 min readSep 30, 2021


The Card Pay Early Access Program is ongoing and we have made tremendous progress!

We continue to add participants in order to further test the growing features of the Card Pay dApp and the Card Wallet app.

If you missed any of our recent progress updates — here’s a summary of what happened this month:

Workflow Persistence

We are adding workflow persistence to all current workflows in the Card Pay dApp, so that users can return to a workflow after closing the tab.

The workflow persistence is stored on your browser and should not change the privacy scope of the dApp.

Prepaid Card Inventory

We have completed end-to-end protocol testing on the allocation and delivery of prepaid cards based on Apple Pay transactions.

Now, once you select the denomination of a prepaid card in the Card Wallet, you are guaranteed to have a card allocated, even if it takes some time for the tokens to be transferred before the actual card reaches the wallet.

This ensures that the system will behave correctly as demand for prepaid cards rises, even when supply is low.

Donation / Tipping

We have completed the final design of the donation module for Card Space. This will allow users who have created merchant accounts to generate QR codes, which they can display on their websites to accept direct donations from customers or patrons.

This completely non-custodial workflow will be one of the first integrations between Card Pay and Card Space.

Reserve Your Card Space Name

Early users of Card Space beta will be the first who get to reserve their very own Card Space URLs (e.g. emily.card.space) via our workflow system.

These name reservations will be converted into ERC721 NFTs.

When will the Card Space beta program start? Join our Telegram or Discord channel to be among the first who get the news!

NFTs: More than just collectibles

NFTs, as people know them, represent digital collectibles. They introduced people to the idea of “obtainable exclusivity”. If you want in, you have to be early — or willing to spend big.

But there is so much more to NFTs!

Learn all about NFTs in our recent article Beyond NFTs as Collectibles: How obtainable exclusivity will transform the consumer economy.”

What is § SPEND anyway?

SPEND is Cardstack’s neutral and globalized pricing unit in the Card Pay system that can be used throughout the Web 3.0 world.

It correlates to USD (§1 SPEND = $0.01 USD) while being backed by the stablecoin DAI.

Just like any other currency, it basically functions as a tool of measurement and sensemaking — but in a decentralized way. And like the in-game currency Robux, it equalizes payments across international borders.

Learn all about SPEND in our recent article Introducing SPEND (§): Why we need a human-scale pricing unit for global-scale commerce.

How Cardstack Makes Web 3.0 Usable

10 reasons why Web 3.0 has yet to take off

Web 3.0 promises great things, but there are a lot of problems to solve before it can reach its full potential.

Read more in part 1 of our “Making Web 3.0 Usable” article series here.

How to make Web 3.0 take off

Here’s how we can solve the problems Web 3.0 is currently facing when it comes to mainstream adoption.

Read more in part 2 of our “Making Web 3.0 Usable” article series here.

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Cardstack Team

Official account for the team behind the Cardstack project.