Growing your friend group in a New City

Nife Oluyemi
Published in
4 min readAug 22, 2024

Moving to a new city can be both thrilling and intimidating. You have left your friends, and maybe your family too, and moved to an entirely new place where you know little to no people. This excitement of a fresh start is often met with the challenge of building a new social circle.

Making new friends in an unfamiliar place can seem daunting, but it can also be a rewarding experience with the right approach. It’s important to note that creating a new friendship circle will take active effort on your part, so be ready to take the initiative.

Here are a few more tips on how you can actively grow your friendship group as you settle into a new city:

Make the First Move

This goes without saying, don’t wait for others to approach you — take the initiative to start conversations. Whether you’re in a class, at work, or attending a community event, be the one to introduce yourself and strike up a chat. A simple “Hi, I’m new here” and a simple compliment too, can go a long way in breaking the ice and opening up a conversation. Sometimes, the best connections come from being proactive.

Say Yes to Invitations

One of the simplest ways to start building your friend group is by accepting invitations, even if they push you out of your comfort zone. Whether it’s a casual coffee outing, a work happy hour, or a local event, these gatherings are opportunities to meet new people. The more you say yes, the more chances you have to make connections. Make sure to say yes to invitations to places that are open and safe, just to be security conscious.

Join Local Communities and Groups

Seek out local communities or groups that align with your interests. This could be anything from a fitness class to a book club, a volunteer group, or a sports team. These environments provide natural opportunities to meet people with similar hobbies and values. The more engaged you are in these communities, the more likely you are to form lasting friendships.

Attend Social Events and Meetups

Cities are full of social events and meetups designed to bring people together. Look for events that interest you, like local festivals, art shows, or networking events. Social media platforms are great for finding gatherings that suit your interests. Attending these events can help you meet a diverse group of people and quickly expand your social network.

Leverage Social Media

Use social media to your advantage by joining local online communities. Many cities have Facebook groups, Reddit communities, or Instagram pages dedicated to connecting residents. Engaging in these platforms can help you discover events, meet people, and stay informed about what’s happening in your new city. Don’t hesitate to reach out to people you find interesting online — sometimes virtual connections turn into real-life friendships.

Explore the City

Becoming familiar with your new surroundings can also help you grow your friend group. Visit popular spots like cafes, parks, and local attractions where people naturally gather. While exploring, be open to striking up conversations with people you meet. Whether it’s joining a group hike, participating in a local tour, or attending a workshop, these activities help you learn about the city and introduce you to potential friends.

Invite People to Hang Out

Once you’ve met a few people, take the initiative to organize get-togethers. Hosting a small dinner party, game night (of course with Cardtegories), or even a casual outing can help strengthen new friendships. Don’t be afraid to suggest plans — people are often looking for things to do, especially in a new city. Your initiative might just be what brings a group together.

Be Consistent and Patient

Building a solid friend group takes time, so be patient with the process. Stay consistent in your efforts to connect with others, and don’t get discouraged if it takes a while to find your core group. Friendships develop gradually, and with steady effort, you’ll eventually find your tribe. Don’t be afraid to take the lead too, tribes always need a foreman.

Moving to a new city offers a unique opportunity to meet new people and grow your social circle. By saying yes to invitations, joining local communities, attending events, and being proactive in your interactions, you can gradually build a strong network of friends. It might take some time, but each step you take brings you closer to your goal of creating a fulfilling social life in your new location.

Embrace the journey, and before you know it, this new city can feel just as comfortable as the one you left behind.



Nife Oluyemi

/neefeh/. Engineering @ Twitter. Seeking Focus. Passionate about Design, Development, Cloud Computing, Resume Editing, and BetterBrain. Views are mine.