CardWallet Partnership Announcement — SendWyre

Tiago Serôdio
Published in
5 min readSep 8, 2021

“Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships.” — Michael Jordan

This quote by Michael Jordan reminds us that the strength of an organisation can be improved ten-fold when we have the right support with us. And this leads us to our announcement of a partnership with SendWyre.

CardWallet is thrilled to announce its partnership with SendWyre (now known as Wyre)!

We are exuberant about this long-term relationship with SendWyre to bridge our cryptocurrency-based product with the fiat world. With SendWyre’s super simple APIs integrated with CardWallet, it would be quite easy to on-ramp and off-ramp customers from fiat to crypto and vice-versa.

It is very important to provide options to our community and our customer base and this is where partnerships like Simplex and SendWyre come into picture. Integration with SendWyre would ensure that there is a gateway into the crypto world for those who are non-native crypto users. With several interesting features and a plethora of APIs available for almost all Fintech related tasks, SendWyre is becoming quite popular in the cryptocurrency universe since its launch a couple of years ago.

Let us learn a bit more about SendWyre and how this partnership would ensure the best possible experience for users interacting with CardWallet.

What is SendWyre/Wyre?

Wyre provides a wide variety of world class payment APIs to power any fintech based application. It offers a powerful JSON REST API that supports a range of financial, cryptocurrency, and identity services. It can move money around, broker exchanges, validate KYC/AML information, and transfer to/from traditional banking systems all while remaining compliant.

There are several API categories provided by Wyre.The listed ones are:

  • Accounts: This category of APIs is used to manage the balances and KYC data of individuals
  • Transfers: This category of APIs is used to move and exchange funds
  • Wallets: This category of API is used to track ledger balances within the main account.
  • Payment Methods: This category of APIs is used to link external accounts for access to funds — banks, cards, etc.
  • Rates: This category of APIs is used to get up-to-date exchange rates

It removes the barriers to entry to the cryptocurrency world by allowing you to purchase crypto using a platform that is already most familiar to you.

Why did we choose Wyre?

Wyre supports several fiat currencies and cryptocurrencies including BTC, ETH and many ERC-20 tokens. A simple integration with Wyre’s Checkout Widget makes it easy for our end-users to purchase cryptocurrency with fiat, using the world’s most popular payment methods.

Here are a few key features offered by Wyre:

  • Accept localized payment methods your customers actually want to use.
  • Send global payouts to over 130+ countries using 1 API call.
  • Create compliant accounts that perform KYC checks on your customers.
  • Offer crypto within your application. Send, receive and manage cryptocurrencies through our Secure Wallets API.
  • Exchange fiat and crypto with our API. Wyre provides competitive pricing and execution.
  • Wyre secures excellent rates and gives you peace of mind knowing that your assets are secure.

The cherry top is their test environment offering, which lets us test the APIs before integration.There are several advantages of our partnership with Wyre, the major one being its ease of use and its popularity among the community. However, there are certain additional advantages, in the form of the services that they provide.

Let us take a sneak-peek at some of them:

  • Wyre takes care of all of the compliance, so we can focus on building and scaling.
  • Wyre also takes on 100% of chargeback risk from card purchases and manages all liability from fraud.
  • All transactions are secured by Wyre’s fraud engine, allowing high purchase limits without compromising conversion rates.

Moreover, as a bonus, Wyre also provides us with a fully customizable KYC verification flow if required.

An important distinction to note, is that Wyre will allow for US residents to buy/sell crypto, a feature that is notably missing in several other platforms.

Wyre is a powerful ally and a great technical partner, with a strong reputation for being a user-first product, which will allow CardWallet’s consumers to experience seamless transactions. They bring a lot of value and experience to the project. They will support CardWallet long-term through their relationships with other key industry projects, access to various geographies, idea generation, and a vast user base.

In CardWallet’s COO, Victoria Vaughan’s own words;

I am delighted about this partnership with SendWyre. With its easy API level integration, we can now focus on building and scaling and let the community reap the benefits of faster and seamless transactions. The simple fact they are now our official partner is a clear sign that CardWallet is well on its way to become one of the major wallets in the entire blockchain industry. Our goal is to create a product everyone can use. By partnering with SendWyre we are enabling an opportunity to buy crypto with any credit/debit card and even a few banks. Not only will it allow us to provide a fiat on-ramp but also an off-ramp, which not many products out there on the market can offer”

At CardWallet, we are believers in growing with the community and creating a support ecosystem that can benefit organizations and users to grow and succeed. We are looking forward to growing with Simplex and are overwhelmed by all the support we have received so far.

We are excited for all these amazing partnerships with renowned platforms which only reinforces our zeal towards building a one-stop solution for all of our users. Every partnership brings us a step closer to our goals for the community.

About CardWallet

CardWallet is a non-custodial wallet solution built for the Cardano blockchain and several other protocols, incubated by the Occam Association. With out-of-the-box support for Cardano native tokens and Visa, Mastercard, and ApplePay fiat on-ramps, CardWallet is expected to rapidly become a major wallet provider for the entire crypto ecosystem. CardWallet’s strategic and technical partners already include Scalable Solutions, Simplex,, Nodeseeds and Crypto Dorm Fund. Learn more at CardWallet’s website.

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