Liquidity Mining Campaign for CardWallet CW Tokens

Tiago Serôdio
Published in
2 min readAug 24, 2021

Are you ready to get rewarded by participating in our Liquidity Mining(LM) Campaign?

I am sure your answer to the above questions is a big YES.

We are thrilled to announce that the Liquidity Mining Campaign for CW tokens will be live this week!

Before we get into the details of the campaign, let us see a quick refresher on what liquidity mining is.

What is Liquidity Mining?

The concept of providing liquidity refers to when users deposit their assets in the form of a token pair, which are locked in smart contracts and are used to provide liquidity. The liquidity you provide is deposited into a liquidity pool, which is used in most cases, by decentralized exchanges. A liquidity pool is designated by the token pair it represents. For example, ETH-USDC is a liquidity pool that contains the liquidity provided for the token pair ETH and USDC. Similar to this, for our Liquidity Mining campaign, there would be a USDC-CW pair available. We will announce the exact pair soon.

Liquidity providers are proportionally rewarded CW tokens on top of the usual 0.3% fee for each trade, solely by providing liquidity. This process of achieving rewards is known as Liquidity Mining.

What is APY?

Annual Percentage Yield, popularly known as APY is the real rate of return earned on a savings deposit or investment.

The APY for the CardWallet LM is going to be in the three digit range during the first month.

Stay tuned for updates in the coming day with detailed information about this campaign.

Happy Mining!

To find out more, visit CardWallet at:

