How To Lie Like A Mother
Care DotCom
Published in
4 min readJun 14, 2017

Lying is wrong. That’s what we tell them of course. But let’s be honest, all parents lie to their kids at some point or another. Whether you lie to protect your child’s innocence, to get your kids to do something or to get a little “me time”, you’re just trying to make parenthood a little easier. And we’ve all done it. We asked some of our favorite parenting bloggers what white lies they tell their kids — and we must say, they’re pretty darn funny!

1. Yes, Daddy Loves Playing Legos — Wake Him Up First!
If you’re anything like Snarky Mommy blogger Amy Sprenger, waking up at the crack of dawn isn’t your idea of fun. Sprenger loves her husband, but please — a girl needs her sleep!

2. I Always Eat A Healthy Breakfast
For Nicole Knepper from Moms Who Drink And Swear, setting a good example is crucial since getting her kids to eat healthy is mission impossible. Despite admitting (to us) that her mornings typically start off with a cup or two of black coffee, and a handful… or two… or three of dark chocolate chips, she’ll occasionally “hog down” a banana just for show.

3. Yes There Is A Cub Scout Badge For Washing My Car
The Dadventurous blogger Troy Pattee’s son is a Boy Scout, it serves as a great learning tool and can teach him things that he otherwise wouldn’t learn. Boy Scouts also serve Pattee with even more opportunities to lie (fib) to his kids in order to make his life a teeny bit easier, oh the simple joys, and lies, of parenthood.

4. The Leftover Desserts Went Bad Again
For Allison Slater Tate of Allison Slater Tate: In The Picture, leftover desserts are often the perfect breakfast. But, you know, admitting that to kids makes life more complicated for everyone so she opts to tell a little white lie instead.

5. The Ice Cream Truck Music Means They’re Sold Out
For most parents, there’s no way of getting out of this one — a delectable treat is coming down the street and nothing can stand in the way of that ice cream cone and your child. However for People I Want To Punch In The Throat blogger Jen, a little white lie gets her out of this one.

6. It’s Chicken
When Hot Mess Mom’s kids question what kind of food they’re eating, she resorts to the classic lie that most parents are guilty of- it’s just easier this way.

7. The Fairy Did It
If Russ, The Stay at Homer, has learned anything about parenting; it’s that kids don’t question fairies. The Bottle Fairy, Diaper Fairy and Monster Fairy have fixed many problems.

8. Your Dad Is Much Smarter Than Me
No he’s not. But when Knepper’s kids are nagging her about a question or want help with homework or a science project, she claims ignorance and sends them his way. Once they skedaddle to ask their father, she can sneak off with a book and learn more things. BY HERSELF!

9. Oh Sweetie, Gymboree Is Closed
For Sprenger, having three children means attending way too many classes and facing that clown way too many times.

10. I Don’t Know How To Work The Wii
They can’t play it if nobody can fix it, right? That’s the angle Slater Tate plays when the Xbox or Wii encounter major (or very, very minor) technical issues.

11. Of Course I Didn’t Throw Away Your Art Project
Since Sprenger’s children bring approximately 7,329 pieces of paper home from school each year, some just have to go missing. In her defense, they all get recycled!

12. You Played a Great Game!
When HMM’s kids started playing sports, it opened up a whole new territory for lying.

13. The Tooth Fairy Was Too Tired- She Left Your Money On The Kitchen Counter For Jen, the perfect solution for a forgetful tooth fairy is obviously to put the blame on the person at fault!

14. Your Pink Elmo Shirt Is In The Laundry After her three-year-old daughter begs to wear the same shirt for the fifth straight day, this response is Sprenger’s only option.

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