How Do I Get a Business to Carry My Product?

Lilly Talavera
Career Advice Now
Published in
2 min readDec 31, 2022
Photo by eniko kis on Unsplash

If you are trying to get a business to carry your product, here are some steps you can follow:

  1. Research potential retailers: Look for retailers that sell products similar to yours and that are a good fit for your brand. Consider factors such as the retailer’s location, target audience, and the types of products they typically carry.
  2. Create a sales pitch: Develop a compelling sales pitch that explains the benefits of your product and why it would be a good fit for the retailer’s customers. Be sure to highlight any unique features or selling points of your product.
  3. Create a product sample or sample kit: Create a sample or sample kit of your product that the retailer can use to evaluate whether it is a good fit for their store. This may include a full-sized product, as well as marketing materials and product information.
  4. Contact the retailer: Reach out to the retailer to introduce yourself and your product. You can do this via email, phone, or in person, depending on the retailer’s preferences. Be sure to follow up if you don’t hear back.
  5. Follow up and negotiate terms: If the retailer is interested in carrying your product, follow up to discuss the details of the arrangement, such as the price, quantity, and delivery schedule. Be prepared to negotiate the terms of the deal to ensure that it is mutually beneficial.
  6. Deliver the product: Once you have agreed on the terms of the deal, fulfill your obligations by delivering the product to the retailer on time and in good condition.

Keep in mind that getting a business to carry your product can be a competitive process, and it is important to be persistent and professional in your efforts. It may take some time and effort to secure a deal, but the exposure and sales potential of having your product carried by a retailer can be well worth the investment.

