Should I Go To College or Not?

Lilly Talavera
Career Advice Now
Published in
2 min readDec 27, 2022
Photo by Michael Marsh on Unsplash

There are pros and cons to both going to college and starting work early. Here are some potential advantages and disadvantages to consider:

Pros of going to college:

  • Higher education can lead to higher paying jobs and more career opportunities in the long run.
  • College can provide valuable networking opportunities and connections that can be helpful in finding a job or advancing in a career.
  • College can be a time to explore different interests and discover a passion or career path that you may not have considered otherwise.
  • College can provide a structured and supportive environment for personal and academic growth.

Cons of going to college:

  • College can be expensive, especially if you need to take out student loans to pay for it.
  • Attending college can be time-consuming, and you may not be able to work as much as you would if you were not in school.
  • There is no guarantee that a college degree will lead to a better job or higher pay, and some people may find that they are more successful without a college degree.

Pros of starting work early:

  • Starting work early can allow you to begin earning money sooner, which can be helpful if you need to support yourself financially.
  • You may be able to gain valuable experience and skills through on-the-job training that can be helpful in your future career.
  • You may be able to learn about different industries and careers by working in a variety of jobs, which can help you determine what you are interested in and what you are not.

Cons of starting work early:

  • Without a college degree, you may have fewer job options and may have to accept lower paying jobs.
  • You may miss out on the opportunity to explore different interests and academic subjects in college.
  • You may not have the same level of support and structure that you would have if you were in college.

Ultimately, the decision of whether to go to college or start working early depends on your individual goals, interests, and circumstances. It’s important to carefully consider your options and make a decision that is right for you.

