How to be successful in career path

Developing a career path framework

Mafidul islam
Career and lifestyle
9 min readSep 11, 2020


successful in career path
Be successful in career path

Nowadays, everyone wants to be successful in a career path with high achievement and rewards in life and try to go rapidly from all people. According to the United States data, 22 million people are now out of work and wait for new opportunities.

“There are many things in life that will catch your eye, but only a few will catch your heart. Pursue these.”

Apart from that, Australia and the UK are bracing for their 10 percent unemployment. The effect of the Corona virus slowdown can be seen across the world especially in industries and businesses. many small firms and companies who have laid-off their work due to minimum turnover. At this time, many companies will need new staff and this will to explore their business.

There are various tactics to be successful in career path, but the main strategy is that works best for you may depend on your view towards success itself. We many times think of it as doing well at specific work that is going on or earning a high income. While professional accomplishments can be just one piece of the whole puzzle, it leaves out different important aspects areas of life.

As per the Us survey Family, relationships, romantic, academics, and athletics are only some areas where people may think about success in the career itself. To be successful in a career path and want to work with the best organization is not a tough task for anyone. You just try to implement some points listed below in your life and work efficiently.

How to be successful in career path

There are many ways to be successful in the career path according to US audience from which some of them are as follows:

  1. Build/Update Your CV and Personal Profile in Proper manner
  2. Stay in touch with a Networking Group
  3. Always live in Positive Attitude
  4. Gain knowledge, not wait for results
  5. Always try to work on Skill Enhancement
  6. Engage with some experts
  7. Always Keep applying to jobs
  8. improve essential skills for interviews
  9. Get in touch with Multi-channel approach
  10. Build Your Online Network
  11. Work on a research project
  12. Take a healthy diet
  13. Grab the opportunities
  14. Don’t compare your life to others
  15. Identify your passions
  16. Make a Commitment to yourself
  17. Do meditation and yoga
  18. Enjoy the present moment
  19. Build a fixed mindset
  20. Consider your hobbies and area of interests
  21. Get comfortable and normal while talking on the phone
  22. Don’t worry if the position doesn’t mention remote work
Creating your own career path
  1. Build/Update Your CV and Person Profile in Proper manner

Aspirants appearing for the company interview round should mainly prepare their cv or profile attractively that mention the full information about their achievements, qualifications, skills, and other related additional qualities in the best possible way from all. It is the best tip to be maintained if you want to be successful in a career path rapidly.

“The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any.”

2. Stay in touch with a Networking Group

Many groups may beneficial to be successful in career path prospects. Check out a good career networking group and talk to people about those careers they are interested in and why.

Or attend webinar, seminar, workshop, and meetings that focus on particular careers onward and get a notified about upcoming job opportunities, such as a group for the future career of physical therapists. Just make sure you are allowed to crash the meeting if you are not a particular member.

3. Always live in Positive Attitude

If you want to be successful in a career path, you should make sure to concentrate on your positive characteristics, qualifications, and strengths needed for any specific job. Hence, you should behave like the one, who wants to work with the organization concentrated.

“The future depends on what you do today.”

4. Gain knowledge, not wait for results

If you focus on the excitement of improving, discovery, exploring, and experimenting the things, your motivation will always be fueled and takes you in a new direction. If you focus only on results without any hard work, your motivation will be like the weather.

So the main key is to be successful in the career path is to focus on the journey where you are going on, not think directly about the destination, and focus on learning new things.

5. Always try to work on Skill Enhancement

If you do not have the proper technical skills needed for the specific job you are applying for. Then your all work will go vain. so, make your self technically strong, Utilize the precious lock down time by brushing your skills and get command by participating in coding contests, skill tests, and blackthorns.

6. Engage with some experts

Nowadays, millions of people are working from home due to that online communities have increased. All Offline events have held online in lock down, so it is the best time to connect with some experts or your relative which guides you in a specific area of interest.

There are hundreds of options to increase your network with some people who work in any company and still working. It broadcast your network and you have success in career path.

7. Always Keep applying to jobs

If you apply in any job and that takes time then don’t stop keep applying. Build your resume or cover letter with all relevant skills and sending in your applications. if any company rejects your profile then don’t upset try again you will get success. Because, the whole market goes down due to corona virus and they need more and more employees to increase their management decrease workload that’s why chances are increases, so keep applying more and more.

“Opportunities don’t happen, you create them.”

8. Improve essential skills for interviews

In the COVID situation and until things improve significantly interviews may be held over online process either telephonic or video calling. Companies will still be interested in interviewing and choose recruits up to work from home.

At that time, You can practice with a friend using the latest technology and implement

practically. These techniques help to be successful in a career path with improving your skills and knowledge relatively.

9. Get in touch with Multi-channel approach

To find out the best opportunities as possible, do not rely on job boards alone relatively. Try to Explore all job fairs held online, reach out to recruiters who need job seekers, tap into your university, and school alumni networks for openings of any opportunities in their firms. see daily updates of the LinkedIn profile, if any career opportunities available, and also build your LinkedIn network with more people.

10. Build Your Online Network

Building an online network helps you to be successful in the career path that approval of your skills, expertise, and accomplishments in the specific work area. try to learn new things from your resources and practice on it for further process relatively.

11. Work on a research project

If you want to be successful in a career path then Pick a subject of your interested area in and start research on it. After, deeper understanding of the topic, it’s easier for you to make connections that may not have been so obvious before anywhere. This project will help you to stand out from other job candidates and improves your hard skills.

“The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle.”

12. Take a healthy diet

If you want to be successful in a career path, it is essential to take a healthy diet which makes us strong and free from all diseases. Because nowadays we all are in lock down and unhealthy food will directly affect our mind. Especially include vitamin in your diet more, which helps to fight against viruses.

13. Grab the opportunities

If you have a chance to shine or make your name then take it. If you are worried that you won’t have time to prove yourself and energy for a good opportunity, ask yourself: would this contribute to my end goals or aim? If it would, then get rid of other commitments from yourself to pursue this opportunity coming in your way.

14. Don’t compare your life to others

Generally, many people tend that they measure their success by comparing it to the success of people around them. If you want to feel accomplished and happy in life, you will have to know the value of your life for its own sake.

“Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great.”

15. Identify your passions

Before you take a step toward success in a career path, you will have to define what success means according to you. While it may take so many years to realize what you want to do in your life, interests, identifying your passions, and values will help you set your goals and give your life a new direction.

16. Make a Commitment to yourself

Planning is not sufficient to achieve success in life. keeping your word is also important for every step. If you tell someone that you will do something in your basis, do it. Similarly, don’t tell someone that you will do something if you’re not sure you can. It leaves the wrong impression. Always be honest about your limits.

17. Do meditation and yoga

Doing meditation and yoga activities continuously we fell some relaxation from our work pressure and get peace in our life. Also, our minds and organs work in the right direction by controlling our emotions.

This activity gives us a healthy life because our daily routine of eating is total changes and we start with a new beginning which overcomes our all disease and improves our health after that we live a healthy life and to be successful in career path accordingly.

18. Enjoy the present moment

If you are constantly dwelling on the past or daydreaming about the prospects, you are missing out on the present moment. Always remember that the past and the future are simply illusions of your life and that real life takes place here and now.

19. Build a fixed mindset

People who focus on a fixed mindset believe that things such as intelligence are static and unchangeable for all. Those with a fixed mindset believe that success isn’t an actual result of your hard work. Because they generally think that such talents are something people are either born with or without, they tend to face the challenge more easily.

“Failure doesn’t mean you are a failure it just means you haven’t succeeded yet.”

20. Consider your hobbies and area of interests

If you want to be successful in a career path, consider what your actual hobbies are and write them down but keep one thing in mind that don’t copy others that she likes it so, I also like. Also, think about why you enjoy these hobbies in real life.

If you like to bake or cooking, for example, perhaps the reason is that you like to create and make a creative career like a wedding cake design would be a good fit for you to enhance your skills.

Or if you enjoy running, maybe it’s because you like uniquely challenging yourself and working hard to achieve success in life that gives you happiness in the future.

21. Get comfortable and normal while talking on the phone

According to the US audience, Video and phone calls are the most efficient way of conducting interviews by small as well as big companies. Expect the initial correspondence to be done by email, then by phone move a step further, and then reach on professional video calling through Skype.

If you aren’t comfortable or hesitant while talking on the phone especially video calls then practice with some of your friends to get rid of your fear.

22. Don’t worry if the position doesn’t mention remote work

New listings of companies may reflect the changes have made to the transition of their workforce to remote work, but existing listings won’t get updated day by day. At that time, job listing doesn’t mention their remote work relatively, it’s a definite option for them.


After analyzing all about How to be successful in the career path we reach on the conclusion that there are many ways of How to be successful in the career path according to the US public. So, follow all of them and try to implement them in your life.

Always choose those career options for the future which are in your related interest area and take your future in a new direction rapidly according to your knowledge. After some time you feel many changes in your life. However, your career takes a new direction relatively.



Mafidul islam
Career and lifestyle

I am a digital marketer, website developer and I am passionate and write about life hacks, Blogging, Online earning, etc. Follow me for more interesting topics.