Career Change Coder, what’s it all about? How can you get involved?

Rick West
Career Change Coders
3 min readJun 21, 2017


I only recently started writing on Medium, but i have enjoyed reading for quite a while. Recently, i had a couple of stories published on the freeCodeCamp publication and received an incredible number of views and some awesome feedback.

I’ve also come across some really amazing stories that have only had 20 or so recommends. Scandalous! Truly scandalous. Writing is time consuming and also requires, much, more effort than people imagine.

When you’ve put so much effort into something, you just want people to appreciate it!

This got me thinking, what if i could create a publication and build an audience where everyone could share their work and reach as large an audience as possible? Fantastic, great idea, although hardly revolutionary i know!

There are plenty of medium publications doing exactly the same thing, but what i have found is that many of the Web Development stories and tutorials on these publications are quite advanced, covering complex topics and not always very beginner friendly. This is where i want this publication to step in and fill the gap.

It was only 18 months ago that i made the scary decision to make a total career change and get into Web Development. After 10 years as a Plumber, i can now call myself a Junior Developer.

I’m lucky. But, i know that i’m just one of many people who has or is looking to switch jobs and get into tech.

Now, what i’d love to be able to do is help, advise and share my experiences with as many new and aspiring developers as possible. I just feel like i would like to give something back :-)

So…how are WE going to do this?

I want as many people to contribute as possible.

Blogging is a great way to document your Web Development journey and share what you are learning. But, not everyone has the time to maintain a blog or generate an audience. Welcome to your new home!

Don’t think just because you are a newbie doesn’t mean you don’t have anything to share!

I want to build an audience of new or aspiring developers. People just like you or me. It doesn’t matter if you don’t understand blockchain or the latest Javascript framework. Write a review of your top 5 code editors or a simple tutorial on how to get started with JQuery. These are exactly the kind of things that will be of interest and benefit to someone just starting out.

For the more advanced learner or someone who’s made the career change already, why don’t you share your interview experience or how you are finding your new job!

I’d love for this to become a really great resource for new developers and also a way for us all to showcase what we have learned so far and contribute to the community.

Think of this as your first opportunity to contribute to open source!

On that note, I’ve got a few other idea’s that i think this could evolve into if this generates enough interest and gets some momentum.

Before i go on any longer, here’s what you need to do. Now…

Follow this publication, recommend, like, share and get thinking about the great topics that you want to write about!

Submit your stories or get involved by emailing

Follow me on twitter

As well as on this publication, i’ll still be writing about other things on my personal medium, so if you are interested in my other stories give me a follow Rick West

