10 Things to Do to Prepare for a New Job

Annette Harris
Career Focus
Published in
6 min readDec 3, 2022


Your job transition checklist.

Photo by Bench Accounting on Unsplash

The job market has constant ups and downs. During the spring, hiring tends to peak when budgets are finalized. Then at the end of the year, when budgets are being established for the new year, the job market slows. When you’re preparing for a career change, there are a few things that you should do to enhance your professional career and resume when the job market slows down.

10 Steps to Prepare for a New Job

  • Become Technologically Proficient
  • Learn a New Language to Show a Willingness to Grow
  • Pursue Volunteering Opportunities
  • Find a Consulting Role On the Side
  • Take on Side Projects that Are Related to Your Field
  • Rewrite Your Resume
  • Focus on Helping Others
  • Enhance Your Skills With Free Online Courses
  • Feed Your Curiosity
  • Get More Exposure, Let Others Help You

Become Technologically Proficient

When businesses responded to the pandemic, it led to an explosion in new technologies that have proven their staying power. With any slowdown in the job market, job-seekers should take…



Annette Harris
Career Focus

Financial Expert | Career Expert | Mentor | Author | Travel lover | Veteran | Creator | Bacon guru | Founder: www.harriswealthcoach.com