Write for “Career Focus”

Lend a helping hand and provide career guidance.

Annette Harris
Career Focus
Published in
2 min readSep 4, 2022


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What’s Career Focus All About?

The purpose of this publication is to provide guidance and support to individuals who are looking to make moves in their careers. Gaining support from those outside of one’s inner circle can help them get out of a slump or what seems to be a dead-end career.

Who Can Become A Writer

If you are a career coach, recruiting professional, or have made moves in your career that have enabled you to break the glass ceiling, I’m looking for you to give back to the community. Let them know how you did it and provide encouragement and support to help them make career moves.

Article Layout & Topics

When submitting an article, the layout should be similar to this one. Heading, subtitle, photo, and subheadings for each section. Each photo should have an attribution, basically letting the readers know who took the photo. Also, you must follow Medium’s Rules when submitting an article.

Articles must be:

  • Spell checked and free of plagiarism (NO AI submitted Articles)
  • Submitted in Draft Format
  • Tagged with Career Focus as the first…



Annette Harris
Career Focus

Financial Expert | Career Expert | Mentor | Author | Travel lover | Veteran | Creator | Bacon guru | Founder: www.harriswealthcoach.com