The Most Important Learning In Your Career

Answering this common interview question- with examples

Ilam Padmanabhan
Career Guru


It is not the fall that matters, it is what happens after! Photo by ShotPot

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When it comes to job interviews, one of the most common questions is “What is the most important learning in your career?” The other variations could be — “when did you learn the most in your career” or “What was your biggest mistake.”

While it can be tempting to try and gloss over a past mistake or downplay its significance, being honest and transparent is always the best policy. Stick to the facts and avoid getting too emotional. The interviewer isn’t looking for a sob story. They just want to get a sense of your self-awareness and learn how you handle adversity.

That said, don’t spend too much time dwelling on your regrets. Acknowledge them, explain what you’ve learned from them and how you’ve improved, and then move on. The interview is about looking forward, not backward.

My recommended template:

  • Use a true incident/story. If interviewers poke more, it is not very hard to find out if you are faking it.
  • Explain what happened & why you did it
  • What did you learn from it
  • How did it change/improve your life/career subsequently



Ilam Padmanabhan
Career Guru

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