Personality of Samudra Gupta

Sahaana Srinivasa
Student Voix
Published in
3 min readJul 16, 2022

Samudra Gupta is generally considered as the epitome of an “ideal king” of the golden age of Hindu history, he is the son of King Chandra Gupta I, he is pictured as a muscular warrior, a poet, and a musician who displayed “marks of hundreds of wounds received in battle.” In many ways he personified the Indian conception of the hero.

Apparently, Samudra Gupta was considered to be more capable to acquire the throne after his father over other contenders. However, after his accession he began a series of wars of expansion from his northern base near what is now Delhi. From inscriptions on gold coins and on the Ashoka pillar in the fort at Allahabad, Samudra Gupta is shown to have been especially devoted to the Hindu god Vishnu. His different aspect of characteristics gives the idea that he was responsible for the distinctive caste divisions. Although due to military conquests he is also regarded as the “Indian Napoleon”.

From the traits of Samudra Gupta, it is evident that he was a strong and a courageous man, he fought many battles to expand his reign. However, as Ashoka reconsidered his actions after the Kalinga War, Samudra Gupta did not understand the heavy bloodshed caused due to his massive conflicts.

According to the information I have gathered using various sources, I think that Samudra Gupta falls into the ESTJ personality. It is also known as the “Director” personality in the MBTI test.

This personality includes -:

E (Extraversion)

S (Sensing)

T (Thinking)

J (Judging)

“The ESTJs solve problems by expertly applying and adapting past experience. They like work where they can achieve immediate, visible, and tangible results.” — Isabel Briggs Myers, Gifts Differing

This personality type values tradition and rules, and are likely to hold other people accountable. ESTJs are great at leading and managing other people.

Some of the characteristics of ESTJ personality are:

- They have a high regard for the existing social order and clearly defined roles and responsibilities.

- ESTJs display strong convictions and decisiveness– traits that leads them to assume leadership positions.

- they are known to set goals and organize resources effectively.

In a nutshell, ESTJ’s are Practical, Dependable, Self — Confident, and have Strong Leaderships Skills.

