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Corporations Are People Too

The blanket criticisms of corporations are not based in fact, but when a majority of the public believes the bad press, we better watch out

James Bellerjeau
Career Paths
Published in
5 min readDec 25, 2023


Colorful street scene with children playing in front of foam machine
We all have rights, even corporations | Image James Bellerjeau

Effective in-house counsel help their companies address many risks facing their businesses. Today, a key risk is societal doubt about the benefits of corporations themselves.

If we want our companies to be free to pursue business without intrusive regulation, then we need to think carefully about corporate reputations. In-house lawyers can play a critical role in this evaluation.

“Greedy corporations!” We hear this so often it is almost a reflexive response.

Or how about, “All corporations are evil,” a Hollywood refrain so common it has led to many young people believing it as a matter of fact.

Certainly, executives of large companies are inherently suspect, the original “fat cats,” paying themselves obscene amounts of money.

If you work for a large company, it is easy to dismiss these complaints. After all, you, personally, are a good person, and just about everyone you work with is as well.



James Bellerjeau
Career Paths

Mechanic of the human soul. I channel Seneca and Machiavelli at unpredictable intervals