If a Resume Won’t Get You a Job, Why Bother?

What recruiters don’t tell you

Sarina Chiu
Career Paths


A woman searching for information on her laptop
Photo by Rodeo Project Management Software on Unsplash

I’m back in corporate after four years of self-employment. Even as a seasoned recruiter, I was a bit anxious navigating the employment world after COVID, as things have changed significantly.

Back in the day, you needed a strong resume.

A well-structured resume that highlights your skills, with a whole bunch of keywords so it can be flagged through the ATS (Applicant Tracking System).

But my recent job search experience said otherwise.

I started questioning whether spending time on my resume was worth the effort.

Strategic approach

In business, we always talk about being strategic. I never thought it also worked this way in my personal life.

But to be able to find a job, you need to be strategic.

I’ve sent out nearly 50 resumes, and all have been rejected. I tailored my resume to each role and spent time refining it to better align with the selection criteria.

I was a recruiter so I’ve read thousands of resumes before. I know what hiring managers and recruiters like to read.

Many candidates send generic resumes with errors in spelling, dates, etc. I’d…



Sarina Chiu
Career Paths

Musing about life and money. I build side hustles to make money for retirement.