If You Feel Like You Are Falling Behind In Your Engineering Career, then Read This.

I feel like I’m falling behind in my career, but I always remind myself that everyone has their own timeline.

Edward Huang
Career Paths


Photo by Kiyoshi on Unsplash

As I age, each birthday becomes less of a celebration and more of a reflection on:

“What have I accomplished? Have I accomplished what I set myself a year back?”

If you are wondering, I didn’t just have my birthday.

Each time I reflect on myself, I always feel insecure and scared.

Never have any reflections like, “I feel good about the current state of my financial and career status.”

If you are feeling the same as me, you are not alone! Most of us feel behind when reflecting on our lives, but I want to always remind myself and you that we are not.

Why do we feel this way?

We naturally compare ourselves with others, especially peers in similar professional fields. This is normal from an evolutionary perspective. In the era of hunters and gatherers, we wanted to fit into the group and be accepted, but we also had to be “fit” and “valuable,” or else we would be banished from the group. This subconscious mindset has been passed down through…

