The Best Time To Look for a Job Is When You Already Have One
Breaking the traditional recruiting systems
Disclaimer — this article contains links (that may be considered an affiliate) to a newsletter I just launched for marketing professionals to get open career roles in their email inbox once a week.
I have always hated the idea of looking for a job.
When I graduated from university, I made zero effort to look for a job. Many of my colleagues started applying to banks, companies, and organizations. I took time off to think. My parents thought I was nuts.
For some reason, recently I had to go through the process of looking for a job. And I think it is the worst possible experience of the modern era.
When I was much younger, a man as old as my parents said that people got job offers at their graduation ceremony from school during his time. Even at the time I heard that story, it was difficult to believe.
Why Did the Job Market Get So Messed Up?
I know the answer you are thinking — demand. It is simple economics. There are a lot of people wanting jobs but not a lot of jobs available.
That is probably what is running through your mind. But what if I told you that was wrong?