Making Your Next Career Move with Khai Yong Ng — Career Relaunch podcast episode 29

Joseph Liu
Career Relaunch
Published in
3 min readNov 16, 2017

What does it take to make a bold career move? How do you know when the right time has come to change careers? Khai Yong Ng explains how he relaunched his career from being a pharmacist to a digital marketer & growth strategist in the tech education sector. We’ll discuss not letting your past degree dictate your future and how you can hustle your way into an entirely new industry. Afterwards, during today’s Mental Fuel®, I’ll explain how to decide when it’s the right time for a career change.


Key Career Insights

  1. Having a backup plan or two can be a great enabler to making that career change you’ve been pondering.
  2. You have to take it upon yourself to continue building your skills and staying current if you want to keep up with the rapid evolution of jobs these days.
  3. Knowing when to make a big career change is a mix of believing in yourself and taking some bold steps to put yourself out there so you can eventually find your way–even if it takes a few steps.

Tweetables to Share

Having a backup plan helps you make a bold career move. — Khai Yong Ng, Tweet This

An educational degree doesn’t have to dictate your career path. — Khai Yong Ng, Tweet This

Resources Mentioned

Listener Challenge

During this episode’s Mental Fuel segment, I talked about the importance of defining your own unique tipping point when you decide the time has come to make a move in your career. Here’s some further guidance on 4 Signs You Might be in Wrong Job and 5 Signs of Career Dissatisfaction.


About Khai Yong Ng, Head of Growth at the NEXT Academy.

Khai Yong Ng is pharmacist-turned Digital Marketer based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. His curiosity towards the internet and the world of entrepreneurship drove him to leave his prestigious pharmacy profession to venture into the world of digital marketing and online entrepreneurship. He has since then held several important roles such as the Head of FB Advertising operations at Mindvalley and Head of Growth at the NEXT Academy, a coding bootcamp in Kuala Lumpur. Follow Khai on Facebook and LinkedIn.

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Originally published at on November 16, 2017.



Joseph Liu
Career Relaunch

Joseph Liu- speaker, career change consultant, and host of the Career Relaunch® podcast focused on helping people do more meaningful work.