Uncovering More Inspiration with Rei Lim - Career Relaunch podcast episode 42

Joseph Liu
Career Relaunch
Published in
3 min readNov 4, 2019

Former hotel lounge pianist turned pharmaceutical digital marketer Rei Lim discusses why he chose to leave his life as a professional musician behind to instead pursue a corporate career. In this episode of Career Relaunch®, we’ll talk about the importance of role models, feeling good about your future, and being proud of the work you do. In the Mental Fuel® segment, I’ll address a listener question about how to prioritize your interests and head down the right path for you in your career.


Key Career Insights

  1. If you can’t find any role models in your industry you aspire to become like, that could be a signal that you may want to reconsider your career path.
  2. If you’re not proud of your response to “What do you do?”, that could suggest you may be doing work you don’t find truly meaningful.
  3. Make sure you feel inspired by the target role you’re trying to land

Tweetables to Share

Think about whether someone in your industry who’s 10 or 20 years further along than you has a life you want. — Rei Lim, Tweet This

Ask yourself WHY a goal you’re trying to reach is so important to you. — Joseph Liu, Tweet This

Resources & Quotes Mentioned

“If the ladder is not leaning against the right wall, every step we take just gets us to the wrong place faster.” — Stephen Covey


Listener Challenge

During this episode’s Mental Fuel segment, I addressed a listener question about how to think through the various interests and priorities in your career. My challenge to you was to consider what matters most to you in the next chapter of your career. To help clarify this, download my “Defining Your Professional Priorities” Worksheet.

Rei Lim started off as a professional musician. At first, he felt like the luckiest guy, making a living out of his passion. But 4 years into the job, he woke up one day and realized he needed to pick up another skill because being a musician was not viable for him in the long run. He ended up picking up digital marketing and fell in love with it. After freelancing for four years, he now works as a digital marketer for a global pharmaceutical company. On the side, he also runs an online magazine about beauty aesthetics called Fairy Marraine.

Comments, Suggestions, or Questions?

If you have any lingering thoughts, questions, or topics you would like covered on future episodes, record a voicemail for me right here. I LOVE hearing from listeners!

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Originally published at https://josephliu.co.



Joseph Liu
Career Relaunch

Joseph Liu- speaker, career change consultant, and host of the Career Relaunch® podcast focused on helping people do more meaningful work. https://josephliu.co