Making Brave Career Choices with Maddie Potvin - Career Relaunch podcast episode 43

Joseph Liu
Career Relaunch
Published in
3 min readNov 12, 2019

When you no longer feel your work, company, or organization is the right place for you, that sometimes means choosing to walk away from your job before you have another role lined up. In this episode of Career Relaunch, former retail apparel buyer Maddie Potvin, explains what made her decide to move away from the Bay area to pursue other interests and how she’s managed her transition.

During the episode, she shares honest perspectives on the emotions of career change, the challenges of leaving your corporate identify behind, and the importance of taking control of your future. In the Mental Fuel® segment, I’ll talk about defining your walkaway point as a guide to deciding when to move on to something new in your life and career.


Key Career Insights

  1. Your environment matters. Consider joining a coworking space is a great way of socializing with others who can support you.
  2. When you’re feeling knocked down, it’s important to make sure you’re kind to yourself and avoid making things worse.
  3. You may not feel like you have a choice about what sort of job you have or how long you stay in your current role, but you always have choice about whether you want to make a change.
  4. So much of your identity can be wrapped up in your job. It’s a big piece of who you are and a sense of purpose. Just recognizing this can help you understand what may be keeping you in a job you don’t necessarily enjoy.

Listener Challenge

During this episode’s Mental Fuel segment, I talked about defining your walkaway points in your career. For some help in doing understanding what will and will not be acceptable to you in your career, download my “Where Will You Draw The Line” Worksheet.


About Maddie Potvin

Maddie Potvin started her career in San Francisco working in the corporate retail & apparel industry after graduating from the Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan. She held roles in buying, merchandising, operations and project management at companies like Macy’s. & Levi’s. After a decade working in the retail industry, she took a leap of faith and quit her job in order to craft the life she wanted instead of simply following one career path. She’s now been on her journey for nearly 3 years, pushing her way through the unknown and figuring out her own path. Recently, Maddie and her husband bought a camper van to feed their passion for exploration. You can follow along on her camper van adventures on Instagram.

Comments, Suggestions, or Questions?

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Joseph Liu
Career Relaunch

Joseph Liu- speaker, career change consultant, and host of the Career Relaunch® podcast focused on helping people do more meaningful work.