Choosing Your Crowd with Adrian Knight — Career Relaunch podcast episode 44

Joseph Liu
Career Relaunch
Published in
3 min readNov 18, 2019

Who are the people you should surround yourself with when you’re making a major career pivot? Who are the people you should avoid spending too much time with when you’re facing some career challenges?

In Episode 44 of Career Relaunch Adrian Knight, managing director of Knight Franchises, shares his perspectives on how to handle the range of people who affect your career plans. He’ll also share some insights from his experiences helping professionals transition out of corporate life into franchise business ownership and discuss how franchising can be a doorway to career change. I’ll also share my personal thoughts on the importance of being selective about who you allow to be a part of your career and life decisions.


Key Career Insights

  1. Sometimes, you have to take a hiatus from people who may have some preconceived notion of how your life should look so you can focus on what you really want.
  2. Be careful about allowing others to critique your career decisions. They may not share the same outlook on life, values, or perspectives on what truly matters to you.
  3. Remember that your choices are not always going to make sense to others. Make sure you surround yourself with people who believe in the agenda you’ve decided is best for your life.

Tweetables to Share

Make sure the advice you take is coming from someone whose life you admire.Adrian Knight, Tweet This

Resources on the people you allow into your life

Listener Challenge

During this episode’s Mental Fuel segment, I talked about pinpointing someone in your life who’s been a positive force for your career.
It could be a good friend, a family member, a colleague, or even an individual you’ve JUST been following online. Then, take the time to get an extra dose of their presence in your life this week. You could drop them a note to say hello, set up a time to reconnect over the phone, or better yet,
make time to meet with them.

While you’re at it, please don’t forget to let them know how much you appreciate the positive impact they’ve had in your life. I’d love to hear whom you choose to reach out to. Leave a comment below!


About Adrian Knight, Managing Director of Knight Franchises

Adrian Knight is the Managing Director of Knight Franchises, an executive search firm that helps professionals transition out of corporate life into franchise business ownership. Knight Franchises are fully accredited members of the British Franchise Association and in 2017, won an Entrepreneurship award from NatWest for Innovation and Accelerated Business Growth. Adrian’s focused on helping professionals evaluate whether franchising is a viable vehicle for you, educating them on the industry, and identifying the models that best meet their financial and lifestyle aspirations.

If you want to learn more about franchising and whether it’s a viable option for your career, you can schedule a 1-hour consultation with Adrian’s team at Knight Franchises.

Schedule franchising consultation with Adrian’s team

Comments, Suggestions, or Questions?

If you have any lingering thoughts, questions, or topics you would like covered on future episodes, record a voicemail for me right here. I LOVE hearing from listeners!

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Joseph Liu
Career Relaunch

Joseph Liu- speaker, career change consultant, and host of the Career Relaunch® podcast focused on helping people do more meaningful work.