Changing course

Carlos Cáceres González
Career Relaunch
Published in
3 min readMar 13, 2016

Hi, I’m Carlos. I’m a software developer from Spain that doesn’t like the course his professional career is taking, and I’m working to change it!

Let’s start from the beginning

First, is better for you to know a little bit about me and my background. In 2013 I obtained my degree in computer engineering with a mention in bioinformatics. During my degree studies I was working on an outsourcing company (The year 2009 around) developing a Windows Phone app for PDAs, and for that time I started to be curious about the mobile world. I knew well about Android and iOS but I didn’t intend to learn something, I was too busy with my studies and my job.

I think that I should have been studying Android/iOS since then but maybe I lacked the strength or motivation for it. That was a big mistake, but I don’t regret it.

By the time I had finished my degree I had accumulated a couple of years of experience so, when I quit my job to get a better one, it was easy. The new company looked promising, but it wasn’t something related with mobile, so all the experience gained didn’t serve me to accomplish my goal, but I had the need to make money, so there was no room for learn something new. A year later I changed again. I started to work in a hospital, into the medical image department. The new job looked good, the schedule is great, and the project is similar to something I did in the bioinformatics part of my degree so I thought I could finally enjoy the work. And so it is, so far I still work here.

My life now is great, I got married a year ago with my beautiful wife, I got plenty of time to do whatever I like, and I kind of enjoy my job. So I’ve got some stability in my life finally!!!

Something is going on inside my mind …

Yeah, it’s been a great year! I traveled to Japan, Venice and London, so I’m enjoying my time. But apart from traveling, what am I doing with the rest of my time?

Due to my current job I have about 5–6 hours of free time per day so I started to think that I’m wasting to much time playing around. So that’s it! Now I’ve the opportunity to start building my way into de mobile business.

The question now is, how?

At first, I thought of making free courses in Cursera or Udacity to start to learn some Android/iOS, and I did but, for me it was difficult because if you have no obligation to do so, I usually takes more time to end it, so again, I was loosing to much time!

Finally, after expending a couple of months looking for a solution, I found it! A Master degree in Mobile business & Apps Design. It has all the necessary to became a great mobile developer, and also has a module about the business so that’s exactly what I want.

It’s been 5 months since I started the Master and day by day I’m more and more focus on my objectives, working long hours at home and continuously learning and improving myself.

That’s all. Right now I’m very proud about myself because finally I’m doing things right and making small steps to my goals. I don’t know what my future holds, but I’m sure about something, I will succeed!!

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