Finding A Purpose; YOUR Purpose

Genola Johnson
Career Relaunch
Published in
4 min readNov 26, 2019

Finding your purpose is mentioned so many times, I think people are glazing over. Especially the ones of you who have no idea what yours is, how to find it, do you even want to find it, and finally, do you have the time to do so?

In my previous article, 5 Steps To Finding Your Purpose, I review the concepts of taking time for you, knowing why you are here, thinking positive, serving and evaluating your talents. I still believe these steps are good beginnings.

However, I’d like to go further.

Really, you should take time for yourself. Reevaluating you, do you like your life right now? Is there something you can change? If so, what do you want to change? Compare yourself to last year, are you happier? Do you like the decisions you made the last 12 months?

If there are any, “well maybe’s” then write them down. Write down what could be different. What would make life better. What do you need to do to get there?

If’s first taking a class for certification to get a promotion. Then figure out how to do that. In my article, “But I Need Training”, I discuss ways of getting training in very affordable and flexible ways.

Currently, I am taking a front-end developers course via Coursera. I’m doing this because I want to make my websites better, and so I can help my clients develop their own websites, whether they are promoting their own personal brand, or their business.

I want to improve my skill. I’m taking this free course and learning an awful lot. Once complete, I’ll be able to add it to my resume as a course in web development.

Stay positive.

Staying positive is hard. I know. But, you can’t let it get to you. If so, it just spills over and over to everything else you do. Prime example, had a quick visit with relatives this weekend. My cousin mentioned she had to be in California for a meeting a couple of days and talked about the expense of meals during her business meeting.

This really rubbed her the wrong way. She returned back to the east coast on Thursday, flew to our location on Friday evening. The flight was fine, but after landing in a smaller airport, there was no rental car, and the rental car company literally closed the business for that day while they were still standing there wondering how to get to their next destination.

Luckily a very caring person took them to a hotel for the evening. They had to Uber to their final destination over 70 miles in a small Kia and there were 4 adults and a toddler. Do I need to continue how bad this trip was?

You can only imagine how horrible she felt at the end of the weekend. But, as she was telling me what happened, I could see so many ways that she could have fixed this.

First, knowing you are going to California, be mentally prepared for higher priced anything. Period. Don’t complain. You can’t fix it, you’re only there a few hours. Accept it and keep moving.

Although, that set the stage for her continual emotions, it spilled over into the supposed to be an exciting weekend. You see, you have to control your emotions. As an outsider, I was thinking, there could have been an accident or something worse that was avoided with all of these delays.

Don’t let things get to you. At the end of the day. Everything always works out.

Finally, Evaluate Your Talents.

Evaluate what you are good at. If you don’t know. Then try some things. If you are on the more creative side, browse a craft store and see what interests you. Pick up a kit or something and start playing with it.

See what’s inside you. I started coloring. Now I’m very picky about the coloring books I purchase. The types of color pencils, markers, pens, etc. I kept buying things and realized, this is where I find peace and I really enjoy it and it’s relaxing.

Make things, cook, bake, draw, listening are all things you can do to hone in to your talents. You never know where your talents may lead you. I don’t expect to make a million dollars from coloring, but if it leads to other avenues, I’ll be so happy I started here.

Figuring out your purpose can be difficult if you make it difficult.. The key is to write down your thoughts and feelings and review for patterns. When you see it, then you’ll know that’s your purpose.



Genola Johnson
Career Relaunch | Creating Purposeful Professions | Lover of Antique Cars | Purpose Download Here