Finding the right career coach for you

5 factors to consider

ILUMITY Coaching
Career Relaunch


When someone’s looking for a career coach, I always encourage that person to do his or her homework and shop around. Coaching is an investment of time, money, and effort. As is the case when starting any new business relationship, doing your due diligence up front is a critical and necessary step to creating the most fruitful partnership possible, one that works hard for you and ultimately allows you to achieve the results you desire.

I’d recommend you consider at least the following five factors to find a coach who can help you make the greatest strides forward in your career. I’ve created this list based on those clients of mine who seem to get the most out of our coaching relationship and my own experiences as a client when hiring a coach. I’ve also included a few questions you can ask your candidate coach.

1) Style along the question-solution continuum

Although I’ve entitled this article with the word “coaching,” you will need to make a decision about where you want to operate as a client along the spectrum between directive “consulting” and more open-ended “coaching.” At its core, and according to the purist definition of coaching put out by the International Coach Federation (ICF), not to mention the ICF Code of Ethics, coaches are supposed to operate within a non-agenda driven, question centric process to help people discover their own solutions. Consultants on the other hand, are paid to come up with solutions, to offer expertise with concrete, content-based direction. As a client, you have a decision to make about the type of professional guidance you’re seeking. Different “coaches” operate along different points on this spectrum. Think about whether you’re seeking practical, expert-based guidance and/or more open-ended discovery. Then, pick your coach/consultant accordingly.

Do you operate more as a coach, consultant, or both?

If you supplement your coaching with consulting, in what areas do your clients seek your concrete advice and direction?

Are you more practical & concrete or idealistic & abstract in your approach?

2) Professional qualifications

For a long time, I went back and forth on the usefulness of professional qualifications in the coaching industry, especially since there seem to be so many variations of credentials out there and a proliferation of certificates and “accreditation” processes. However, in a field that’s not as tightly regulated as other professional, skill-based sectors like finance, medicine, and law, working with a professional credentialed coach provides you with a quality standard, stamp of approval, and assurance that the individual who claims to be coaching you has actually gone through a legitimate, professional training to bring you best-in-class, well-informed coaching that goes beyond what other mentors in your life can provide. I’d strongly recommend you try to work with a coach that has a professional certification from the International Coach Federation or through one their Accredited Coach Training Programs. Common credentials include ACC (Associate Certified Coach), PCC (Professional Certified Coach), or CPCC (Co-Active Professional Certified Coach) awarded by the Coaches Training Institute, the oldest and largest ICF accredited coach training program in the world.

Has this coach completed a professional coach training?

Is the school where this coach completed training an Accredited Coach Training Program?

What professional coaching certification does this coach hold?

3) Ability to offer fresh perspective

When you’re having a coaching session, the conversation should not feel like a “normal” conversation like one you might have with your friends or family members. The whole point of coaching is to push you, to challenge you, to implore you to extend beyond your typical way of being of operating. You should ideally work with a coach that pushes you outside your comfort zone, someone who explores the topics you’re stuck on in a fresh manner, coming at it from a totally different perspective.

Is this coach candid with me?

Can this coach provide me with a fresh perspective?

Does this coach have the confidence to challenge me?

4) Relevant background

Trust is central to any coaching relationship. In order to get the most out of it, you need to be 100% confident in the coach’s acumen and capability. After all, you’re entrusting this individual with very personal information, and you’ll likely be working through exercises and discussions that should push you beyond your comfort zone with the intention of enabling major transformation in your life. Many coaches began their careers outside of the coaching industry, and their professional & personal backgrounds will certainly have either an indirect or direct impact on their approach to coaching, their worldview, and their perspectives they bring to the coaching.

You get to define what “relevant” means to you. For example, working with a coach who has had a parallel experience to yours allows the discussion to reach a very deep level due to the rich empathy and insight that only comes through that direct experience and understanding. However, working with someone who has a completely different set of experiences may be most relevant to you because you’re in need of a new way of approaching your issue. Whatever you decide, a coach’s professional & personal background is something you should consider.

Does this coach have a background and story I fully respect?

Is this coach’s background relevant to the issue I’m wrestling with?

Does this coach’s professional experiences enable the lens I’m seeking?

5) Strong Fit

Coaching is all about being able to explore ideas together, and the strength of the coaching is directly related to the strength of your relationship and trust in that relationship. With this in mind, one of the most important criterion when selecting a coach is finding someone with whom you feel a strong, positive rapport. While this may seem obvious, it’s one of those softer considerations that can often be overlooked as something less concrete and therefore less important. I’d strongly encourage you to find a coach with whom you feel comfortable, with whom you “click,” someone who fully allows you to be yourself.

Does this coach “get” where I’m coming from?

Does this coach have the capacity to effectively empathise with my situation?

Do I feel a positive, productive connection with this coach?

While other factors also exist to select the best coach for you, I see these five as being critical considerations. Most coaches offer free consultations prior to kicking off paid sessions to ensure the fit is solid. This consultation is the perfect time for you to probe a bit on these topics to ensure you’re making the right choice for your career, your life, and your goals. If you have any further questions about coaching, feel free to contact me.

Joseph Liu is a Brand/Career Consultant, Speaker, and Founder of Ilumity Coaching, inspiring bravery that leads to career breakthroughs. He specialises in helping professionals and business owners develop their brands and relaunch themselves during times of transition in their careers, organizations, and lives. He has a passion for reigniting people’s careers, leveraging 10 years of international brand management & marketing experience on brands including Glad, Liquid-Plumr, Gü Puds, and Häagen-Dazs. Joseph has been a featured speaker at TEDx and MarketingWeek Live. He was awarded his Associate Certified Coach (ACC) credential from the International Coach Federation, MBA from the University of Michigan, Ross School of Business, and Bachelors of Arts in Psychology from Northwestern University.

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ILUMITY Coaching
Career Relaunch

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