Going back to Rocky Top (Woo!)

Nat Welch
Career Relaunch
Published in
2 min readMar 22, 2016

Near the end of 2015 I was lost. I knew I needed a change, but no idea what that next step was going to be. I had spent the last 3.5 years bouncing around like a plinko chip at my dear Wieden+Kennedy but I just knew I wasn’t a “lifer”. A big part of that was the advertising industry in general — that’s why I never even considered going to another agency. The people don’t get any better than W+K and I was smart enough to not leave the nest. But my plinko chip wasn’t going to hit that money spot and I needed a next step.

After leaving my Reservation in North Carolina I was determined to show our community that one of us Natives from the little ol’ Rez in the rural South could work for the likes of Nike. And I did that. It was great — and so eye-opening. Nike led me to W+K and I had the opportunity to contribute to award-winning work.

Three years later I wasn’t filled with the same passion I previously had. I had the urge to get back closer to my family. The cross-country distance was taking it’s toll and I yearned for days when I could just pop by and set on the porch with my grandpa.

I also wanted to get back to working more directly with my Native American community. I had seen a few academics in the Native sphere but there was not enough. What if I could combine my passion for sport and my love of my community into a career?

Well that’s what I’m aiming to do. In January I was accepted into my alma mater’s Sports Management Doctoral Program. Starting this fall I will be pursuing my PhD and researching the positive effects of sport on Native American communities and individuals (like this guy!). I’ll also be teaching some Sport Management classes and I’m super excited-slash-terrified for that. I could see myself teaching for the long term. I also hope to use this opportunity to travel and study the many varying Reservations and Native communitites across the the country. There’s a void in the academic literature out there and I’m excited to try to fill it.

I’ve been blessed to have such an amazing support system and I’m excited to have a positive impact on the academic world while integrating my Native community. And maybe in a few years (approx. 3) when someone asks, “Is that Ms. or Mrs.?” I can say “Oh, actually it’s Dr.”

***Holler at me if you want to work together! @rerunnat / nataliewelch8@gmail.com



Nat Welch
Career Relaunch

Card-Carrying Native American. Southern. VOL 4 Life. DeVos11. Runner. Sports-obsessed. Digi-geek. Avid reader, TV/flick watcher, tunes listener. Forever curious