I joined a coding Bootcamp

Genola Johnson
Career Relaunch
Published in
3 min readJun 21, 2020

“All I want to do is make the title bigger,” I mutter to myself as I struggle to get the computer to follow my command.

That was a few years ago. Now, having at least 3 websites up and running, the question of which H1 — H6 do I want is a second thought and now, how do I import this email list into my database for a deeper analysis of who’s on my list. And I know excel can’t help me, is my new question.

To those of you who have no idea what I’m talking about, I’m talking about how my journey to answering those questions, led me to this point in my life as learning to code; and becoming a new software developer.

I’ve joined the Momentum@Morehouse Coding Bootcamp, Summer 2020. Why, because I want to transition into the tech space so I can bridge my experience from education into using technology to make sound fiscal, personnel, technological and physical use of resources in school systems.

My decision to make a transition into technology was with the fact that I knew I was supposed to be doing something else. Like, being more strategic in the educational space. Teaching students was not allowing me to do that. I wasn’t reaching my career goals that I know I have the ability to do.

I know my husband is sick of hearing about strings, arrays and loops.

As I was checking emails one day during quarantine, I found an email about a coding bootcamp from OHUB (Opportunity Hub). The dates were perfect. You see, my school system had moved the end of school up a couple of weeks. So, that meant, my schedule was completely free to take advantage of this opportunity.

I mentioned it to my daughters and decided to plant the seeds of getting them involved as well. My recent college graduate had no idea what in the hell she was going to do. And I know being at home with me, she needed some type of direction.

Plus, having this skill along with her major of Supply Chain & Logistics Management would amp her career tenfold. The younger of the two could use coding in her major as well. She wants to be a genetic counselor.

So now, figuring out where to start, and how to most importantly make it meaningful for ALL cultures is my biggest challenge.

Now, 5 weeks into the bootcamp looking back, and wanting to strangle the man who thought JavaScript was cool to create, now I’ve started making it my friend, even dream of ways to solve class problems. I know my husband is sick of hearing about strings, arrays and loops.

I realized that as we move into Python, I’ll be doing some research this weekend preparing myself for learning our next new language so I won’t be so lost on the concept. As we are progressing forward throughout this program, I see so many opportunities. My brain races to many things I can now do and just like a kid in the candy store, I don’t know where to begin. I want to do everything!

I want to create software to help educators get data quicker on student learning. Incorporate AI and Machine Learning into remedial lessons, although I know that exists, but I want to make it better. As my parents are aging, there are developments into that space too.

So now, figuring out where to start, and how to most importantly make it meaningful for ALL cultures is my biggest challenge. Because the main lesson that I’ve learned from my 5 weeks in, there are many ways to get the result of your code. No one person’s approach to the problem is the same, but the end result is.

As i transition into being a software developer, I now know there are many ways of getting to my career destination, but the end result will be happiness.



Genola Johnson
Career Relaunch

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