Overcoming 10 Common Barriers That Keep You from Changing Careers

Alice Berg
Career Relaunch
Published in
4 min readApr 10, 2019

At some point in your career, you will wonder if the grass is greener on the other side. After all, there are many reasons why you might want to change your job.

There are new top careers today too. However, even as you consider shifting jobs, there are some things you will have to deal with along the way. In this post, we will discuss some practical strategies you should implement to conquer any problems that might arise as you endeavor to make that all-important career shift.

1. Focus on What You’ll Contribute Instead of What You Lack

Dwelling on what you cannot do and focusing on the resources you don’t have might be barring you from making a career shift. However, it is essential to note that no employer will hire you based on the things you do not know or have. As such, to make your dream of changing job come true be sure to identify your specific skills and knowledge that can contribute to the new position. That way, you will feel more empowered to take the necessary steps towards another job.

2. Understand What You Want to Make a Successful Career Change

On the surface, you might be considering changing your job, but when you sit down to ponder on the same, you find yourself rethinking the whole matter. Therefore, it is important to dig deep within yourself to comprehend if the move is truly what you want. By doing this, you will gain much clarity that will enable you to overcome the fear of changing your job.

3. Gather as Much Information as Possible Ahead of Your Job Switch

You might be hesitant to make that career move because you do not know much about that new position. So, make a point of researching more about that opportunity either online, in books, or from people in that profession. You could also attend job and career fairs to learn more regarding the job you want. Just make sure to get the most out of these events. In the end, the information you gather will go a long way in boosting your confidence ahead of that job shift.

4. Ensure That You’re Financially Stable Before Changing Careers

A staggering 65% of working Americans save little or nothing at all. Now, if you are among these people, it is best to start saving up to ensure that you can sustain yourself when you don’t have a job and hunting for another. Doing this will keep you from the money worries that might be barring you from moving from one job to the other.

5. Healing Is Good for Overcoming Barriers to Employment Changes

You might have been rejected from a position before and this traumatized you. As such your fear of rejection or failure might be keeping you from a zealous job search. However, to ensure your career search is fruitful, you need to be entirely in the process. So, go to a therapist to overcome any job search trauma you might be having, and then when the time is right, continue looking for the new job.

6. Beat Professional Obstacles by Avoiding Analysis Paralysis

It is not possible to plan your entire career in your mind. You need to be more realistic and accept that a career journey is a gradual process that begins with one step.

7. Find Role Models to Help You Learn How to Overcome Obstacle

Lack of people to support you as you seek to shift your job can be what is undermining your progress. So, make a point of finding the right people to mentor you on your career journey.

8. Don’t Let the Past Be Your Biggest Obstacle. Be Optimistic

What happened in your past will not repeat itself in the future. So, if you had a mean boss or were underpaid at your previous job, you might end up with a decent employer and salary by accepting that these things are in the past. All you have to do is face the future with optimism.

9. Embrace Your Uniqueness. Don’t Try So Hard to Fit In

Accept who you are. Trying to blend into the regular crowd might cause you to lose track of yourself. As such you might end up delaying your career move when you already have all it takes within you.

10. Don’t Make Your Career Switch All About You

Think about your friends, family, or even your future. You might discover that you really need the job change. Sometimes picturing yourself in a specific scenario might be what is limiting your progress.

To conclude, implementing these strategies can help you prevail over any challenges you might face when shifting jobs. However, to boost your chances of getting that new job, create stunning resumes that sell you as being the best applicant.



Alice Berg
Career Relaunch

Blogger from Bath, who received a degree in Social Work and Applied Social Studies. Now helps people to find their own way in life and gives career advice.