Small Steps Move Mountains
Achieving goals can be very overwhelming. In fact, they seem impossible. And even as I write this post, I think of the many goals that I have made and they seemed very overwhelming. But, as I look back, I did it.
There are goals I want to reach now, and they seem so, so, overwhelming, but from past experiences, I know that if I take small steps I’ll accomplish them. This is a lesson for everyone who wants to achieve something difficult.
Talk is cheap. It cost not one cent.
Let’s reflect for a moment. Anyone who’s attended college or high school for that matter thought the end would NEVER come. But eventually it did. When I entered my doctoral program I thought it would take me four, maybe five years to complete. Hell, I was working full-time, wife and mother of two.
It took me SEVEN years! Why is another story. But, I finished it. How I did it was that I took small steps. Each day I did something toward finishing the degree. My mind was on the end result every moment of the day. And, admittedly, some days I thought maybe I won’t make it. But there were more days where I knew I could. Which is why it is completed.
Some people have great ideas and goals that would be a service to mankind, but never do anything to reach that goal but talk about it. Talk is cheap. It cost not one cent. There is no energy expended in talking. That’s why you have to DO something in order to accomplish goals and dreams.
The formula that so many people use is the SMART goal method. There are other goal setting formulas available as well, but they all have the basic principle: specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, timely.
I’m not going into giving examples of each of these because you can Google that. But what I do want to say is that if you do one thing on your SMART goals everyday, you will get to where you want to be.
Reassessing your goals is also important while moving one step closer. You may have accomplished an objective in your goal and realize, that you may want to slightly change directions, or there may be new technology available to help you reach the goal in a different way.
Setting and reassessing your goals is an excellent way for you to stay on course to your ultimate goal. Doing those little things will help you reach those big things that you are striving for. Anyone who is successful in whatever career they are in had to take small steps.
Here’s an example that may help you. When you first started reading, you didn’t begin reading novels, no. You were first introduced to letters of the alphabet. Then you were taught sounds and put letters together to form words. These words were probably 2 to 4 letters long. Then using those letters, you were given a story to read. Think of how accomplished you felt. As you moved through your years of education, you began reading novels. But, this did not happen quickly because you took baby steps. You began doing something each day toward your goal of reading.
Now as an adult, reading comes as natural as breathing. You did this because someone set goals for you. When you became aware enough to set your own goals, you still accomplished them by doing something small each day to reach it.
Think of your goals. Figure out what you need to get there and do one thing a day to reach it.
Genola Johnson helps passionate people craft profitable professions with the foundations of their life’s purpose. She lives with her husband and two super model daughters in Atlanta. You can find her on Follow her on or IG gebjohnson