Successful Young Professionals Have These 7 Personality Traits

Nicolas Cole
Career Relaunch
Published in
4 min readJun 6, 2020


Being a successful young person is an uphill battle.

For every person that gives you a shot, there are ten that don’t believe you have what it takes yet. They would prefer it if you just stayed the course like everyone else. They want your success to take as long as theirs did.

But part of being “successful” is knowing your own potential, and being able to trust yourself enough to take risks — even when everyone around you insists that you would be wrong for doing so.

If you look closely, successful Millennials share a handful of things in common. Some of those traits are inherent in this specific generation. Others are learned behaviors, and the result of many years spent going against the grain. Success, in itself, is not something you’re “born” with — even if you’re born into wealth. Success is a mindset, and the result of daily habits that sculpt you into the person you want to become.

So, if you are a Millennial and you want to become successful, then these are the 7 personality traits you should work to acquire for yourself:

1. Confident yet humble.

In order to be successful, at anything, you have to be confident. However, there is a difference between “confidence” and “arrogance” — and…



Nicolas Cole
Career Relaunch

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