Why startups attract me (& probably you too)

Amos G
Career Relaunch
Published in
3 min readJul 4, 2016

In the startup world, we are mostly infected by obsessions and beliefs that seem plain delusional to the outsider. However, when I truly ask myself why I’m attracted to all these, it really isn’t easy to answer. In this post, let me run you through my thought process answering this tough question.

Being in the startup scene has been a truly exhilarating experience. It is the true epitome of ‘there’s no one way out in life’ and ‘change is the only constant’. Things seemingly cast in stone can change overnight at the times when you least expect it. Things that you couldn’t even think of or image could happen to you again, when you least expect it. All in all, there has never been a dull moment for me.

Ultimately, when I ask myself why I do what I do everyday and whether I want to continue this path of startups, it’s hard to come up with a real answer right away. Sure, entrepreneurship is cool and all, but why startups?

Being in the subculture of high growth tech startups inevitably causes one to be overwhelmed and influenced by the startup culture. From the obsession over having big dreams to change the world to the endless streams of articles talking about funding rounds, valuations and vanity metrics, the startup world does seem a bit delusional from an outsider’s perspective.

After a while, I realised I got infected by this startup craze as well. As much as I detested people who wanted in on startups just because it’s the in thing, I realise I’m slowly becoming like that as well.

As such, I asked myself, why startups? Entrepreneurship does not equal to startups. I mean starting an ‘un-sexy’ small/medium sized enterprise that earns stable revenue isn’t a bad thing. So why aim for the proverbial unicorn that could be burning millions of cash before earning a single cent?

It was tough filtering through all the startup-crazed bullshit and the glitz and glamour attached to startups. However, after a while, it all came down to a simple reason. One that sounds stupidly delusional even to me.

“I want to change the world”

That’s why I’m attracted to startups. It could be doing something that does social good to society. It could be getting rid of a pesky problem that everyone faces everyday. It could even be making someone happy with a product I’ve created.

I don’t have to be the next Steve Jobs or Elon Musk. Well, if I could be, that’d be great. But, more importantly, I want to solve a problem and make a change to the world around me.

And that’s why I’m attracted to startups. Not setting up a small/medium sized enterprise that perhaps fills a true need in society and makes decent money from this. However, this has no greater purpose other than making another quarter of profits. That’d be a good life, but it can definitely be better than this.

There is definitely something that I can build that has a greater impact on a group in society, people around me, and the world. There is definitely something that I can do that puts me to sleep every night, knowing that what I’ve done is putting smiles on people’s faces.

And that’s why I’m attracted to startups. Until I try, I will never know how much I can accomplish.

Perhaps, to some, I can think this way only because I’m ‘young’ and ‘naive’. Still detached from the realities of life. But for now, all I know is that I have youth, energy and freedom to hustle. To some, this could perhaps be delusion or naïveté, but If I don’t try now, I will never know how far I can go. And who knows? I might just be able to make a small dent in this huge world out there.

“Who you are tomorrow begins with what you do today.” — Tim Fargo

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