You can be miserable, or change

Genola Johnson
Career Relaunch
Published in
3 min readJul 19, 2019


People dream of a change in their career. However, they admitted they are very afraid of the outcome.

It’s like you dislike your current situation, but when you start looking elsewhere, you get scared. The little voice in your head will say, “Things will change. The boss will (leave, become nicer, die, etc.) They’ll promote that person (or me) so my work life will be happy again (if it ever was).”

All of these things are always whirling around in your mind and this causes you to stop your search. It stops you from dreaming what can be better than where you are now.

If you’ve even had one nanosecond thought that things could be better, then guess what, they can be better. The key is to not let changing to something better, or the process of changing to something better halt you from doing something better.

My dad always told me there is one law that always is constant, and that’s change. Everything is constantly changing. I’m changing as I write this article. You are changing as you read it.

Changing is the one thing that will be forever. So, why do you think changing your career path would be any different. In so many ways it already has changed. You probably didn’t know or realize it has changed.

Think of this. When I started teaching, having computers in your classroom was like, if you had them, you were the ‘favorite’ teacher. If you didn’t have them, you had to use the computer lab.

I moved to another school system and I was introduced to the Mac world. They issued me my very own Mac laptop computer to take home and do work from home, (although I had to connect to the ethernet; there was no wireless) but I HAD a MAC computer! My classroom had 4 Apple desktops (they were bulky compared today’s desktops) but my classroom had 4.

Within a few years, education had moved to flipped classrooms, where students could do most of the work at home, if they had access to internet, and exploration and guidance in the classroom.

As teachers, we no longer had grade books for entering grades. We now were using cloud based grade books, which had all the information for our students in one place. I think you see the picture.

Things change all the time. No matter what you do, things are changing. The thing you have to keep in mind though, is that it will be OKAY.

I remember when we had training for using the cloud based grade books, some teachers were complaining about doing it this way. Using their grade book was just fine like it was and they didn’t want to use this “NEW’ way of doing grades.

Well, if you intended to keep your job, eventually, every school system in the state was using some form of cloud based electronic grade book systems. So, if you wanted to be employed, you had to do it this way.

The same with other professions. If you want to be informed of meetings, projects, etc. you had to use email. With this business, in order for me to communicate with my clients, podcast guests and VAs. I use email, text and other platforms to help me manage the business.

If you don’t want to change and learn new ways of doing things, you will not be very productive in today’s society. On this life’s journey, I’ve learned that accepting change opens the door to many other opportunities, “How To identify the Right Opportunities To Grow Yourself.” @ Vishal Katarina

Change is not as painful as you actually think, especially if you decide to keep an open mind, remind your inner child that it’s okay, really, it’s okay, and float downstream gently guiding your new self.

Genola Johnson MY WHY: To help passionate people craft profitable professions with the foundations of their life’s purpose. She lives with her husband and two super model daughters in Atlanta. You can find her on and her podcast The GEBJohnson Podcast. Follow her on or IG gebjohnson



Genola Johnson
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