AZURE-Run a (CI/CD) Pipeline on an Azure VM using Jenkins
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I’ll walk you through the process of setting up a CI/CD (Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment) pipeline using Jenkins on an Azure Virtual Machine (VM). Automating your deployment process is crucial for modern software development, enabling faster and more efficient releases. Whether you’re new to DevOps or looking to enhance your workflow, this guide will help you implement a robust CI/CD pipeline from scratch.
What You’ll Learn:
- How to create and configure an Azure VM for Jenkins
- Step-by-step instructions to install Jenkins on Ubuntu
- Configuring Jenkins to automate your software builds, tests, and deployments
- GitHub integration with Jenkins for version control
- Docker integration with Jenkins for containerized deployments
- Running a fully functional CI/CD pipeline on Jenkins
Why Use Jenkins and Azure?
Jenkins is one of the most widely used CI/CD tools, and when combined with the flexibility of Azure Virtual Machines, it provides a powerful platform for automating software delivery. Whether you’re managing a small project or deploying at scale, this setup ensures efficient code integration, testing, and deployment — saving both time and effort in the long run.
Step-by-step Implementation:
Step 1: Create an Azure VM
To create a Resource Group:
Resource-group Name: CICDResourceGroup (You can change your resource-group name as per you wish)
az group create --name CICDResourceGroup --location westus
To create a VM using username and password:
I am using VM username as CICDVM and VM password as CICDPassword123!
az vm create --resource-group CICDResourceGroup --name CICDVM --image Ubuntu2204 --admin-username cicduser --admin-password CICDPassword123!
Step 2: Open Ports for CI/CD Pipeline (I used port 22 and port 80 for this project)
Open port 22 for SSH access:
az vm open-port --port 22 --resource-group CICDResourceGroup --name CICDVM --priority 900
Port 80 (HTTP) — If using webhooks over HTTP (but HTTPS is preferred).
az vm open-port --port 8080 --resource-group CICDResourceGroup --name CICDVM --priority 901
Open other necessary ports for CI/CD tools (e.g., port 8080 for Jenkins, port 5000 for GitLab):
Port 22 (SSH) — For Git commands like git clone, git pull, and git push using SSH.
Port 443 (HTTPS) — For Git commands using HTTPS or for GitHub webhooks over HTTPS.
Step 3: Connect to the VM
SSH into the VM: (VM Username — cicduser)
ssh cicduser@<public-ip-address>
When prompted, enter the password: (Please give your VM password here)
Step 4: Install CI/CD Tools (Example: Jenkins)
Copy Paste the below commands to install Jenkins:
# Update package lists
sudo apt update
sudo apt install vim wget git -y
# Install Java Development Kit (JDK) for Jenkins
sudo apt install fontconfig openjdk-17-jre -y
# Download and install Jenkins
sudo wget -O /usr/share/keyrings/jenkins-keyring.asc \
echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/jenkins-keyring.asc]" \ binary/ | sudo tee \
/etc/apt/sources.list.d/jenkins.list > /dev/null
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install jenkins
# Start Jenkins service
sudo systemctl enable jenkins
sudo systemctl start jenkins
sudo systemctl status jenkins
Install Python and docker:
sudo apt update
sudo apt install python3 python3-pip
For Ubuntu/Debian (Docker):
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install
sudo systemctl start docker
sudo systemctl enable docker
Step 5: Login into Jenkins using the password
Copy the password from the below path:
sudo cat /var/lib/jenkins/secrets/initialAdminPassword
Open a web browser and navigate to http://<public-ip-address>:8080
Step 6: Configure Jenkins:
Access the Jenkins at http://your_server_ip:8080, paste the password, and follow the setup wizard.
“Install Suggested Plugins”
“Create First Admin User” (Create username and password as per your need)
1. Username: DevCodeLearn
2. Password: DevCodeLearn_123
3. Confirm password: DevCodeLearn_123
4. Full name: DevCodeLearn_Ga3
Instance Configuration : Save and Finish
“Start using Jenkins”
Step7: Install the necessary plugins
Go to Jenkins Dashboard → Click on Manage Jenkins → Select Manage Plugins → Go to the Available tab.
Search for the plugins listed and install them.
Pipeline: GitHub
Git Plugin
GitHub Organization Folder à GitHub Branch Source Plugin
GitHub Integration
Docker Pipeline
Docker Commons
Docker Credentials / Docker
dashboard view
Build Pipeline
Deploy to container
maven integration
Email Extension Template
Step 8: Set Up CI/CD Pipeline
Step 8.1: Configure Jenkins to integrate with your version control system (e.g., Git, GitHub, GitLab):
Configure Jenkins Credentials:
If using HTTPS authentication, choose Username with password:
· Username: Your GitHub username.
Step 1: Retrieve Your GitHub Username: Your GitHub username is displayed on your profile page, under your profile picture and right next to your display name.
· Password: GitHub token (GitHub tokens are safer than using passwords).
Step 2: Generate a GitHub Personal Access Token (PAT)
- e.g., github_pat: 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
To generate a personal access token (PAT), which is used for authentication when interacting with GitHub, follow these steps:
Go to GitHub Settings:
- Once logged in, click on your profile picture in the top-right corner and select Settings from the dropdown.
Access Developer Settings:
- On the left sidebar, scroll down to Developer Settings and click on it.
Access Tokens (Classic):
- Click on Personal access tokens under Developer settings.
- If you’re using Jenkins or similar tools, choose Tokens (classic) and click on Generate new token (classic).
Generate New Token:
- Click on the button Generate new token (classic).
Configure the Token:
- Name: Give your token a descriptive name (e.g., “Jenkins Integration Token”).
- Expiration: Choose how long you want the token to be valid (e.g., 30 days, 90 days, or set it to no expiration).
- Scopes:
- Select the appropriate scopes for your use case. For Jenkins, you usually need the following scopes:
- repo: Full control of private repositories (for access to both public and private repos).
- admin:repo_hook: Access to modify repository webhooks.
- read:org: Read access to organization membership (if applicable).
- If unsure, you can select repo for full repository access.
Generate the Token:
- Once you’ve selected the scopes, click Generate Token at the bottom of the page.
Copy the Token:
- After generating the token, you’ll be shown the token only once. Make sure to copy it and store it in a secure place, such as a password manager.
- If you lose it, you’ll have to generate a new token.
Step 3: Use the Token in Jenkins or Git Operations
- In Jenkins:
- When configuring Jenkins to interact with GitHub, go to Manage Jenkins > Manage Credentials > Add Credentials.
- Select Username with password.
- Use your GitHub username as the Username and the Personal Access Token as the Password.
- In Git Operations (Git CLI):
- If you’re using Git on the command line and are prompted for a password, use your personal access token instead of your GitHub password.
Step 4: Webhook Integration
GitHub Webhooks: These notify Jenkins whenever there’s a push or a pull request to a repository, which triggers a build in Jenkins. However, the webhook itself doesn’t manage how Jenkins accesses the GitHub repository.
Jenkins Credentials: You still need to configure credentials in Jenkins to authenticate and clone the repository when a build starts. This is necessary regardless of whether you use HTTPS or SSH for pulling code from GitHub.
1. Go to your Github Repoà Settings à Webhook.
2. Click “Add Webhook” and set the payload URL to
3. Set the content type to application/Json and select “Just push the event”.
4. Save the webhook. This will trigger Jenkins builds automatically on GitHub pushes.
Integrate Github and Jenkins file:
withCredentials([string(credentialsId: ‘jenkin1Github1’, variable: ‘GITHUB_PAT’)]) {
Go to Your GitHub Portal and create a PAT:
In Jenkins: Add the token as a “Secret key”
Name: jenkin1Github1
type: secret key
Step 8.2: Create a new Jenkins pipeline project.
Intergrate DockerHub and Jenkins:
Jenkins: Dockerhub username and secret key
Add Jenkins User to Docker Group: Jenkins needs permissions to run Docker. Add the Jenkins user to the Docker group:
Run the following command on the server where Jenkins is installed to add the jenkins user to the docker group:
sudo usermod -aG docker jenkins
sudo systemctl restart docker
sudo systemctl restart jenkins
docker ps
Congratulations! You’ve successfully installed Jenkins and set up a CI/CD pipeline.