[ANN] [AIRDROP] AirDrop alert by CAREERCHAIN! 🚀 250,000 CCH tokens for joining our Telegram, social media channels & registering for our Newsletter.

Published in
4 min readJul 2, 2018



CareerChain is looking for influencers and early adopters to join our community and to spread the word. We will give back in the form of 250,000 CCH tokens ($250,000) for those who join our Telegram Group, Social Media Channels & Register for our Newsletter!

All you need to do is: Follow the directions below and share the CareerChain Airdrop with your family, friends and acquaintances.

How to Participate:

  1. Join our Telegram (https://t.me/CareerChain).
  2. Go to https://careerchain.com/#newsletter, and subscribe to our Newsletter.
  3. Fill in this Google form
  4. Go to Facebook and like our Facebook page.
  5. Go to Twitter and follow our Twitter page.
  6. Go to LinkedIn and follow our LinkedIn page.
  7. Earn 5 free CCH — tokens (worth $5,-)
  8. Help us grow the Telegram group and earn an additional 5 tokens (10 in total) when we reach 25K Telegram subscribers!

Bonus of 5 Tokens when we reach 25K users!

We want to grow our Telegram to 25K users before our Token Sale starts on the 19th of September 2018 and we need your help to get there.

Help us grow the Telegram account to 25K users and when we reach the 25K Telegram users, everyone who completed the steps from above will receive an additional 5 tokens. That is 10 CCH tokens in total!

The tokens from the Airdrop will be sent to your Ethereum wallet after the Token Sale is finished.

“The first open, industry standard for sharing career histories”

About CareerChain?

CareerChain will be built on a private Ethereum platform with a Proof-of-Stake consensus model and will issue tokens from The CareerChain Foundation, starting May 7th 2018 with a discounted private sale.

The foundation’s mission is to make CareerChain a global standard in the job market by promoting CareerChain and providing open-source tools to enable partners to implement CareerChain easily everywhere.

The problem

When you look for a job, what do you do? You go online and do a search, and a bunch of job listings come up in the results — you see one you might like on some sites like Indeed or Monster, or maybe even on the careers page of a company you’re interested in, and you click on it, and there is always some form you have to fill out. The problem is, you generally have to do this 10–20 times before you get hired. That’s a lot of forms to fill out! Maybe you can just upload a CV or Resume, which some sites support — but increasingly, job hunting is happening on mobile devices where your CV is not handy. Some sites like Indeed, Monster and LinkedIn have saved profiles, but they don’t work on competitors’ sites. and the result is, lots of form filling, unhappy candidates, low conversion, and employers wasting $200bn a year on job ads. There was no global standard for applying for jobs, so we built one.

The solution

CareerChain profiles are the easiest way to apply for all jobs with just a couple of clicks. Built on a blockchain, CareerChain profiles can be trusted; shared with anyone from any device while also protecting your privacy and data. You don’t need a digital wallet or Ether or Bitcoin. As a job seeker, you just carry on using your favourite job sites and staffing partners, automatically create a CareerChain profile and apply for jobs easily — Enter once, apply everywhere.

Tokens and token value

Partners (job boards, ATSs and staffing agencies) pay a small transaction fee in tokens to process CareerChain profiles, which is split between a reward for the partner that helped create the profile and a reward for token holders (investors) in a Proof-of-Stake consensus model.

Among partners, there will be net receivers and net payers in the economy. A small number of net receivers will bring millions of candidates to the platform (usually the early adopters) and their rewards will far exceed their transaction fees. Net payers, who make up the majority of partners, will always need to buy more tokens on exchanges. CareerChain profiles also form the base for a whole world of new apps in the job market like automated reference checks, skills certificates… encouraged by the CareerChain Foundation and using the CareerChain Token.

What are the details of the Token Sale?

  • Currencies accepted: ETH or Fiat
  • Min Contribution: 50k USD (Private sale) .05 ETH (Public sale)
  • Tokens available for private sale: 8,333,333 CCH Tokens
  • Tokens available for public sale: 27,500,000 CCH Tokens
  • Hard cap for public sale: USD 25,000,000
  • Public Sale Price:
    - USD 0.80 for 12,500,000 CCH
    - USD 1.00 for the remainder of CCH
    - (or an equivalent in Ethereum or EUR)

How to Join CareerChain?

Subscribe to our Newsletter to be the first to know when the KYC for the main sale will open. Click here to register to our newsletter.




CareerChain will be the first open, industry standard for sharing career histories. Job seekers will only need to enter their profile once and apply everywhere!