There’s A New Opportunity for Job Hunters

We want to get you a job interview with a great company.

Career Crashers
2 min readMar 21, 2019


There are more awesome jobs than ever. So much has happened in the world of startups, and even large companies have become more adaptive and flexible.

The tech boom has created opportunities for more than just coders.

There are great roles in marketing, customers service, sales, operations, and more.

The problem is, most people don’t know it.

Most people grow up being offered career choices like, “Doctor”, “Lawyer”, “Astronaut”, “Cowboy”, and “Businessperson” (aka, guy in a black suit with a briefcase). No one knows what kinds of real roles actually exist in real businesses!

Take companies you know and love. Did you know Spotify employs 4,165 people? They’re not all writing code! What are they doing? Is there something there that you could be good at? How would you know? How would you get a shot at it?

Companies suffer from lack of good information, too.

A small team at Lyft might need to hire 20 people this month to help find new drivers in new cities through ads and on-the-ground campaigns. Where do they get them? How do they know who’s a fit? What the heck does, “BA in Communications” tell you?

Crash is here to cut through the maze and bypass the gatekeepers.

We’re working on the career launch platform to get you from zero to hired ASAP. But you’ve got to be motivated.

Right now, we want a few good people. We want to get you a few good interviews.

If you are:

  • Currently on the job market
  • Ready and willing to take interviews
  • Ready to put in some work for the next 30 days
  • Ready to have fast turnaround time
  • Open to feedback on how to be a better candidate

We want you to apply for a limited number of spots today.

Apply here.

P.S. If not you, share with someone you know who is on the job market!

Originally published at on March 21, 2019.

