Go to Career Karma
Career Karma
Latest career advice from technology industry insiders
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Latest career advice from technology industry insiders

Go to the profile of Career Karma
Career Karma
Top coding bootcamp advice and tech strategies to nail your interview!
Go to the profile of Iris Nevins
Iris Nevins
Self-Taught Software Engineer
Go to the profile of Ruben Harris
Ruben Harris
Partnerships & Lead Gen @Honor, Advisor @AltSchool. Former Advisor @ForgeHealth, Music Teacher and Investment Banker. Cellist for 22+ years. #YoungandCultured
Go to the profile of Timur Meyster
Timur Meyster
Everybody wants to win or do great things but not everybody is willing to do the things it takes to win or do great things.
Go to the profile of Kesha “Rose” Lake
Kesha “Rose” Lake
Rose is a junior full stack developer with a passion for people, code, and music. A prolific writer, she shares her stories, her interests, and her discoveries.
Go to the profile of Iris Nevins
Iris Nevins
Self-Taught Software Engineer