Sushi Restaurant You should go in Kanazawa 金沢で穴場のお寿司屋さん

Takuya Matsuyama
Carefully Cut Corners
2 min readFeb 16, 2020

Hi, it’s Takuya. I’m in Kanazawa in Ishikawa prefecture now. 石川県の金沢にいます。 I just found a great Sushi restaurant that seems to be known little. It’s Takashima (鮨処 たかしま). If you like to taste Sushi, it’s a definite place to go!

Amaebi 甘海老
Ikura いくら
Ika いか
Chu-Toro 中トロ
Unagi 鰻
Akami (Zuke) 赤身(漬け)
Buri-Toro ぶりトロ

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Takuya Matsuyama
Carefully Cut Corners

I’m an indie SaaS developer currently building a Markdown note-taking app called Inkdrop. Homepage: