Trying a diffusion lens filter — Black Mist №05

Takuya Matsuyama
Carefully Cut Corners
3 min readDec 21, 2020

I bought a lens filter called Black Mist №05 from Kenko:


It is not an ND-filter or color filter but a kind of diffusion filters, which can soften features and gives your photographic cinematic-style glow. I bought it because I wanted to make my videos more chill and cinematic.

The effect is obvious. Without the filter:

With the filter:

Clearly created a dreamy glow in the image. Pretty neat. I took some pictures with this filter today and found that it’s fantastic.

As expected, it made pictures a bit blurry. Or sometimes too blurry for just shooting things. When I shoot against the sun, maybe I should take off the lens hood to get a bigger lens flare. It’d be great for night shootings, of course.

Can’t wait to shoot another YouTube video with this!

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Takuya Matsuyama
Carefully Cut Corners

I’m an indie SaaS developer currently building a Markdown note-taking app called Inkdrop. Homepage: