Caregiver Support Technologies Pledges Its Upside

Tom Masterson
Caregivers and Technology
2 min readJun 27, 2019

Caregiver Support Technologies (formerly Unburden Care) is proud to announce its membership in the Upside Foundation of Canada. By joining, We have pledged a portion of our equity to charity — meaning that, in the event we are acquired or go public, our selected charities will receive an immediate donation. By structuring the gift as a pledge, the charities also carry no obligation or risk.

As a startup dedicated entirely to improving the experience of care, it may come as no surprise that we have chosen the foundations of 2 of the world’s most caring institutions as recipients of our upside. Namely, the Hospital for Sick Children (aka Sick Kids) in Toronto, Ontario, and BC Children’s Hospital in Vancouver, British Columbia.

I am fortunate that my connection to these fine institutions is not connected to any sort of trauma or illness I ever suffered — aside from frequently injuring myself on the rugby field, I have been fortunate to have had mostly good health. Instead, I have simply always had a reverence for what Children’s Hospitals do — my father is a longtime pediatric surgeon, and my sister recently held an administrative role in a pediatric cardiovascular surgery unit. Their passion and dedication is inspiring, but that is simply par for the course at these places. They are worthy of all of our support.

BC Children’s was an obvious choice — my connection is clear, and my cofounder’s sister has cystic fibrosis — she spent considerable time there. My time in Toronto motivated the selection of SickKids — it was during this time that I gained the necessary conviction to start the company, and that I met my partner, who was born and raised just north of the city. I would challenge any founders in Canada to consider pledging their upside alongside us.



Tom Masterson
Caregivers and Technology

Founder/CEO @Support by Blue. MBA @ Harvard. BSc(Genetics) @ University of British Columbia. Washed up athlete and competitive bbq chef.