Home remedies for nose bleeding

Bandana Kashyap
Published in
4 min readJul 3, 2017

Nose consists many blood vessels which help in the blood circulation and located close to the surface in the back and the front of the nose. Any damage to these vessels will result in the flow of the blood which looks scary but rarely indicates about the serious medical condition. Nose is one of the most fragile parts of the human body and it can easily bleed. Nose bleeding is the common phenomenon which usually occurs in adults and in children from the age of 3 to 10.

Sudden nose bleeding is not that serious at getting medical attention but regular nose bleeding can be an indication of some serious problem happening inside the body. There are some common symptoms which can cause the nose to bleed that can vary from one person to another.

  • Something is stuck in your nose which can harm the blood vessels
  • Chemical irritants
  • At times, allergy can cause nose to bleed
  • Any injury to nose which can be internal or external
  • Sneezing repeatedly
  • Large doses of aspirin
  • Cold thin air damaging tissues inside the nose
  • Upper respiratory infection

It can be instant that you might not find time to visit the nearby doctor. In such cases, there are some home remedies which can help you to stop the bleeding from the nose instantly and provide relief from the pain.

  • Pinch and press :

This is the simplest treatment for a nose bleed that has been in use for years now. It is effective and recommended by many as there are no other requirements to process the treatment. The person needs to pinch on the soft region of the nose with the pressure applied by the fingers which allow blood to stop immediately. Sit straight with your head tilted forward to prevent the blood run down the nose with the pressure applied on the nose. Within minutes, the blood will stop as it starts clotting since the time it starts running.

  • Cold compress:

The minute blood starts running from your nose, find a way to your refrigerator to take out some ice cubes and wrap them in a piece of cloth. The dip in the temperature applied to the nose will constrict the blood vessels in the nose and slow down the flow of the blood. It also helps in reducing the inflammation if your nose is injured. Apply the cloth for at least 10 minutes and you will notice that the blood has stopped.

  • Apple cider vinegar :

Vinegar possesses acidic properties which can constraint the blood vessels in the nostrils and stop the bleeding from the nose. At the time of the bleeding, take 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar or white vinegar and dip a fresh cotton ball in it. Once the vinegar is absorbed, place it in the affected nostril for 8 to 10 minutes which eventually stops the bleeding from the nose.

  • Essential oils :

Anti-oxidant and anti-inflammation properties of essential oil will help in slowing down the flow of the blood and work against the pain if you are struck with any injury. Add some essential oil like lavender oil or cypress oil in a cup of water and dip a paper cloth in it. Let the cloth absorb the mixture and gently press it against the nose for a couple of minutes. If your body is not sensitive to these oils, you can apply it directly to your nose by pouring few drops of it in your nose.

  • Onion :

Treating nose bleeding with onion has its roots from China as the fumes from onion juice will boost up the process of blood clotting and eventually stop the blood from flowing from the nose. In the case of bleeding, grab an onion and extract juice from it and dip a fresh cotton ball in it. Once the juice is absorbed by the cotton ball, place it on the affected nostril for 3 to 4 minutes. This will stop the bleeding and help in clotting the damaged tissues in the nose.

  • Vitamin E capsules :

Especially winter season often comes with the dehydration of the nostrils and with the picking of the nose that causes rapture to the blood vessels can end up in the bleeding of the nose. It is recommended to apply vitamin E oil to keep the nostrils hydrated and for maintaining the balance of the skin. If bleeding occurs, puncture the capsules and apply the oil in the affected nostril which will stop it from bleeding. To prevent the future bleeding, you can apply the vitamin E oil overnight and wash it away in the morning.


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This post was originally published in CareGuru.

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