Pre-diabetes treatment in Ayurveda

Bandana Kashyap
Published in
3 min readJun 24, 2017

Diabetes has created menace in the lives of people. It is a medical condition where the pancreas stop secreting insulin which means the body becomes incapable of consuming sugary products. In the terms of allopathic treatment, pre-diabetes is treated as a condition. But where as in Ayurveda, it is treated as a hint and can be reversed with improving living conditions and eating habits. To treat pre-diabetes, you should acknowledge the symptoms, described as follows:

According to modern treatment, if blood sugar level exceeds 125 mg/DL, it is considered as pre-diabetes. It is a stage with no symptoms but a probability of diabetes in future. But according to Ayurveda, symptoms are — Dantaadeenam Malaadhyatwam (depletion of oral hygiene), chikkanata (your body feels stacked throughout), paani padayoho doho (you feel a sensation of burns in your feet as well as palms).



Amla is a good source to treat pre diabetes. Either add on a combination of amla and turmeric in your diet or try drinking juice of Amla on an empty stomach. Your blood sugar levels will drop soon and you will step out of danger area.


Neem leaves are used to cure many diseases. It is also very beneficial for curing pre diabetes. You can add on few neem leaves in tea or make a paste and eat it with your lunch. Adding neem to you diet will completely remove the risk of diabetes in future.


yoga is an art which lets your body stretch, meditate, relax and make your body fit. Yoga helps in proper circulation of blood. It removes all the stress from one’s mind making it fresh and fit.

Ayurveda Supplements :

you will get numerous supplements which would help you in fixing pre diabetes. All the extract of natural ingredients is present in those supplements which will surely boost your health and reduces the chances of diabetes.

If pre diabetes left untreated, it may soon turn into diabetes. So don’t take this matter lightly and start working on it as soon as you acknowledge it. Apart from these tips, stop consuming alcohol, try avoiding sweets and opt for simple food. Try not to stress over and over again. Let your brain feel free and happy. Say bye to diabetes with the help of Ayurveda.


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This post was originally published in CareGuru.

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