​Your Salesforce CRM is a vital tool for MedTech sales, when used consistently. As a healthcare CRM, Salesforce has all the features and functionality your team needs to be more effective and target better. Yet, many sales reps balk at the idea of using a CRM. They may not understand the value or believe it’s too inefficient. To get MedTech sales on board with actively using your Salesforce CRM, you may need to look at your processes and devise ways for it to be easier for them.

We understand the capabilities available in Salesforce and the challenges of MedTech sales, so we’ve put together five ways MedTech sales can get more of your Salesforce CRM. Let’s dive in.

Automate Processes

​Embracing automation can give your MedTech sales reps higher productivity with less time spent inside the CRM. Many of the task related to data entry can be automated. Your Salesforce CRM has workflow tools to eliminate these repetitive activities. You should also work with data partners to ensure your hospital and physician leads are clean and consistently updated. The less data entry reps have to do, the more they’ll want to use your CRM and the better the data your commercial operations team will have for analysis and reporting. Click the link below to find out how Carevoyance can help you improve your data:

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​There are multiple automation features in Salesforce. With Visual Workflow, you can automate virtually any business process with drag-and-drop ease. This includes when you add in new providers, as data can be augmented to these new leads by connecting your CRM to other data sources. This information could include the basics but also deeper insights like number or procedures they handle, how many cases the facility is losing to competitors, and affiliations between doctors and hospitals.

Provide Ample Training

While many sales reps have CRM experience, Salesforce is always evolving with new functionality. They may only know the basics, so supplement this with training. This will involve more than just a quick overview. Dedicate specific time during your sales reps’ first few months on the job to ensure they can tap into all the features available.

If you don’t provide then this necessary training, they are likely to give up and resort to other ways to prospect. Even after initial training, make sure that your team regularly talks about how to use your healthcare CRM during sales meetings, encouraging team members to share their experiences.

Establish Guidelines

If your sales team is using Salesforce in different ways, this can cause problems, especially regarding the accuracy of your data. Thus, you’ll want to establish guidelines for consistency across all users. This may include things as simple as formatting of data points to more advanced features like lead scoring.

Once you’ve done this ahead of time, it will streamline your data process so that it becomes far more efficient and effective. It’s also important to have regular data ‘hygiene’ checks to ensure that all the contact details are correct. In addition to demographic changes like physicians moving or changing affiliation, keep in mind their clinical practices evolve over time as they add new services or scale back doing certain types of procedures. Whether your goal is to collect these insights from the field or source the data from a partner, establish the guidelines for how you will keep your data clean and usable.

Deliver More Value with More Insights

Your CRM is full of insights on customer preferences and behavior, as well as touchpoints and interactions with your commercial team. Much of the time, this data is analyzed by marketing or commercial operations. It may also be supplemented with market share information. When sales reps have access to this insights and analyses within your Salesforce CRM, it can make them much more effective and offer them strategies on how to approach the prospect or move the deal forward.

The basis of much of this data will be due to their actions — how they’ve entered leads, discovery learnings, and information about won-closed and lost-closed. Because they took the time to include this information, the analysis of it can, in turn, help them with their next proposal.

Provide Ease of Use with a Mobile App

Salesforce CRM offers a mobile app, and this is a must-have for busy salespeople, especially in MedTech sales. Your reps may be on the road and talking to prospects in person or attending trade shows. They need to have easy access to your CRM.

The mobile app allows them to track leads, opportunities, and proposals from anywhere, as long as they have their smartphone and an internet connection. Once you offer them the ability to use their CRM on the go, you will probably see increased usage and adoption.

With Salesforce, you have a centralized platform for lead and customer data. It’s the foundation for how you generate revenue. But it must be widely adopted across your team; otherwise, you’ll be making a huge investment in a tool that isn’t providing real value. Integrate these five tips to ensure you’re getting the most out of healthcare CRM.

You can do more with your Salesforce CRM with Carevoyance data and reports, available inside the CRM! Learn more about these insightful reports today.

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About the Author

Carevoyance contributor Beth Osborne is a professional writer and content marketer with multiple years of experience in healthcare IT marketing. Learn more about her by visiting her website.



Carevoyance Team

Carevoyance is a healthcare marketing platform that enables MedTech teams to find, engage and sell to doctors and hospitals. More at: www.carevoyance.com