Should salespeople use data to engage doctors?

Katie Vahle
Published in
4 min readJun 14, 2018

It’s well into Q1 and you likely staring down an intimidating quota. Selling to hospitals and physicians is tough given the historical dependence on relationships. To meet and exceed your quota this year you need to find new ways to engage busy providers.

Maybe you are approaching a brand new lead. Perhaps you are trying to resurrect old prospect. ​How are you going to get through to them to book that next meeting?

Your product may have the newest features, the best safety profile, the endorsement of top thought leaders, but none of that matters if you can’t book the meeting.

Guess what?

When you are approaching new leads they don’t care about you or your product. People care about themselves and their own business the most, and that’s what they want to hear about.

Put the spotlight on them, and they’ll be much more receptive to your message. And in order to put the spotlight on them, you need to understand their business.

Times are changing and we believe that salespeople need to adapt to the reality that data and customized messaging need to be part of your toolkit.

Here are a three reasons why your sales team should embrace data in their prospecting and relationship building.

1. Create urgency

If you understand key stats and performance metrics about their business, and how it compares to their competition then you can find a pressing reason to reach out requesting a meeting.

Check out this market share snapshot on a hospital’s market share for some of their most common inpatient procedures (or even better, you could focus the market share on the types of cases your product is best suited).

Imagine the response you will elicit when you share the news their facility is trailing and in the market and you have ideas on how to change those standings!

2. Stand out from the crowd

Every other rep who is approaching your prospect is relying on old relationships or 3rd degree introductions that matter less and less in the age of value-based committees and more scrutiny on purchasing decisions. Break through to the decision makers and c-suite with interesting insights that matter to their business.

For example, bring to the attention of management the state of patient leakage in their county. Regardless if the data show they do or don’t have a patient leakage issue, you are guaranteed to stand out with information they probably spend big bucks on consultants to track or simply can’t access.

3. Prove you can add value

You may be confident your product has better outcomes or is more cost effective than standard of care, but you need to prove you are a value add partner from day one.

Signal you are more than a vendor by digging deeper in deeper to their markets. You’ll blow their minds if you can bring insights on which community docs are leaking patients!

You can NOW create customized reports on any provider without spending hours and struggling with complex Excel spreadsheets and fussy PowerPoint templates.

​​Carevoyance has rich, detailed information about every physician, practice, hospital, ASC, and system in the country. Our reporting capabilities are unmatched which means you can generate customized, personal content on any provider in a few easy clicks.

Are you still not sold on using data and custom collateral as a sales tool, or have you already embraced data for building relationships with your the prospects in your market?

Want more actionable advice on how to engage prospects in a conversation about their business as a strategy to move the sale forward?

Leave your thoughts in the comment section below or download a free copy of our Case Study — Make it Personal!

Originally published at



Katie Vahle

Passionate about fixing Healthcare. Currently focused on helping MedTech teams find and engage healthcare providers more effectively. Wharton MBA.