🚨Announcement🚨: Strategic Partnership with Layer Exchange

Simon Barducci
Cargo Protocol
Published in
2 min readMay 23, 2022

We are thrilled to announce a strategic partnership between Cargo and Layer Exchange. What does this mean now and for the future? Currently we are aligning our tech stacks so that we can leverage Cargo’s Uniswap v3 tooling and Layer Exchange’s LP manager and leveraged loan UI.

When Uniswap v3 was announced on Celo, it was an important step forward that allowed us to close the gap on certain roadmap milestones. Scaling a distributed team (remote and across time zones) is always a challenge but I’m personally grateful to the people that have joined us on this journey in building something that truly transforms engagement with DeFi markets. A few personal mentions and acknowledgements.

Our Tech Lead at Cargo built out our Uniswap v3 integrations to Polygon and oversaw the creation of our data analytics dashboard in collaboration with our Designer. Going forward, he will be joining a very large DeFi project in the Ethereum ecosystem and he will be sorely missed, best of luck to you ser 👍

Our Product Lead at Cargo has been instrumental in validating use cases within Uniswap v3 and creating/managing documentation to date. He has also mediated discussions between our Tech Lead and Designer in delivering an intuitive user experience. Going forward, he will be our Business Analyst.

The Project Lead to Layer oversaw the development of the basic autocompounder initially built by Cargo during the Celo Accelerator to become a sophisticated LP manager that integrated leveraging capabilities from Moola Market. We welcome him at Cargo as the new Community Lead.

And finally from the development team, our Senior Developer and System Architect have started aligning our tech stacks from both Cargo and Layer through collaborations with cLabs. Other team members from Layer provided by Neti — thank you for helping us scale the team — will be transitioned over to Cargo during the month of June.

There is also more exciting news on the horizon as Cargo further aligns with other projects within the Celo ecosystem in order to take on the broader multichain landscape. Stay tuned!

