The first CuraDAO community meetup: Re-cap

Ruben Russel
Caribbean Blockchain Network
3 min readAug 20, 2019

On August 15, 2019 CuraDAO held its first physical community meetup at Blockchain Labs Curacao. This meetup was co-hosted by the CuraDAO catalyst’s with the aim to collectively continue to shape the narrative and further understand how to use DAOstack’s: Alchemy interface.

“ A social system is defined as the means by which a society organizes itself to facilitate survival, prosperity, and, ideally, peaceful coexistance.” — Peter Joseph

First one of the CuraDAO catalyst’s (R.Russel) highlighted what the current socio-economical state is of Curacao with a visual slide.

One of the slides used at the meetup showing various news headlines partly reflecting the socio-economic state of Curacao.
One of the slides used at the meetup showing various news headlines partly reflecting the socio-economic state of Curacao.

“ If it happens to be that a system is allowing or even facilitating unnecessary disease epidemics, pollution, starvation, violence, crime, deprivation, social oppresion, bigotry, and other harmful features, then the integrity of that social system is brought into question.” — Peter Joseph

With this in mind the following questions were asked to each participant as a method of introduction: “What is your name?”, “What type of community or organisation would you set-up to target these well-known problems?” and “What do you need to make this succesfull?”. The answers to these questions were summerized as follows:

  • Improve mobility on the island with electric cars and renewable E-car charging stations. What we would need: An infrastructure plan, Some local organizations that are willing to host a car charging station,
  • Incentivise public plastic waste clean-ups with some DAO reputation. What we would need: Start small include existing clean up initiatives and approach high school students to partake and understand CuraDAO.
  • Help legacy organizations digitally transform into more flexible structures that can innovate faster. What we would need: Include employees of existing organizations to experience digital network based organizations (DAOs) by inviting them to CuraDAO or helping them create there own DAO.
  • Help the upcoming generations incorporate more technical skills such as becoming digital leaders, coders and critical thinkers. What we would need: Approach educational platforms, legacy institutions. Show case the liberating feeling of remote-work by helping locals understand that self-organizing can empower themselves and others .
  • Improve transfer of value (payments) and make correspondent banking obsolete. What we would need: Awareness classes and practical workshops focussing on green field solutions for the local banking sector.
Re-visiting the journey of CuraDAO and how it came into existance and where we can go from here.

With the answers to these questions we started to move towards how we could shape these into possible proposals for the CuraDAO. Here allot of discussions were held about what is possible and how can we start writting down or recording these proposals so they can be submitted to the CuraDAO.

The collective decision was to start to use this list to co-create the first proposals during the second meetup which will be organized on September 2, 2019. Where narrative shaping will continue and more proposal ideas will move towards proposal submittance.This process will be guided by the various CuraDAO catalyst’s.

CuraDAO wants to thank all of the participants of the first CuraDAO meetup, on to the next one!

The fertile grounds of CuraDAO makes even plants grow.

