4 Questions with Arlene Harris-Webber

Area Manager at Verizon Inc.

Women of Silicon Valley
2 min readJun 30, 2020


Arlene Harris-Webber (she/her) is an Area Manager for Verizon Inc., servicing the Central Westchester, New York, and Connecticut regions. She is responsible for building and maintaining the infrastructure for Verizon’s Fios and 5G platforms.

1. Where’s your hometown?

Bridgeport, Connecticut.

2. How did you get into STEM?

I was always curious about technology and science and was annoyed at attempts to cast me into ‘traditionally female’ roles. The first time I expressed interest in STEM, I was gently guided to be a teacher or a psychologist instead. I tried that for a while, but I eventually decided I was too curious to be confined to maintaining the status quo. I wanted to explore the “why” and the “what if.”

3. What’s a challenge you’ve faced, and how did you get through it?

One of the biggest challenges I’ve faced in life was related to my health. I am very active, and that all came to an abrupt end one day when I found myself unable to move or speak. I was incapacitated for four months and tried all the traditional medicines and methodologies. I was determined to find something that worked, and I finally decided to explore naturopathic medicine. I did a lot of research, and with determination, I was speaking within two weeks!

4. What’s something you’ve done that you are immensely proud of?

I am blessed to have several things I am proud of. As a teacher, I took a failing class and turned my students around to achieve some of the best passes in the school’s history. I started several mentoring and social programs for the young people at my church. I also started a mentoring and support group for women in my community and had the satisfaction of seeing several of them launch their own businesses. I have used my own health experiences to develop a strong health ministry in my community, offering an alternative to traditional medicine, especially to low-income families who can’t even afford traditional medicine. The highlight of that ministry was studying and using plants to treat COVID-19 patients with a 100% recovery rate.

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