Gun control proponents are idiots

Why are gun control proponents idiots? Terrorist/drug smugglers/burglars/ etc do not buy guns from shops where the guns can be traced back to them. Instead, they either make their own guns, or buy from gun smugglers who sells untraceable guns.

Smuggler to terrorist : Alright, you will find the crates of AK-47's among the crates of radishes. Ignore the fat panda.

No, guns don’t kill people. People kill people. You can easily exchange guns for swords, knife, hammer, car, scissors, or even fertilizer (Oklahoma city bombing), if you really want to kill someone. Guns are tools, and just like any other tool, it should not be censored arbitrarily, just because.

An armed nation is like a bee hive; nobody fucks with a bee hive because each bee is “armed” with a stinger. In case gun control proponents cites situations where some people wins the Darwin Awards for accidentally shooting themselves/others, again, not all bees in a bee colony have stinger! The bees have chlorinated their gene pool through evolution by making sure these Special Ed bees who may win the Darwin Award unable to develop stingers. They are usually males, but I digress.

My point here is that you will never see a bee stinging other member of said bee colony, doing their emo “I hate the world and everybody must die” dance (bees talk to each other by dancing; they dance to indicate where to find pollen).

Translation : Dear Hive, I’m sick and tired of all you fucks bullying me, so time to die motherfuckers. Oh, and Jawbreaker rule!

Nor will you see a bee sting themselves, accidentally or on purpose.

Now gun control proponents claim that only professionals should have the right to use guns. People like soldiers, or the police:

Ok, he’s a newbie professional gun handler, so we can give him benefit of doubt. But then what about the police chief? Surely, since they are the highest level in professional gun handler, it should be fine to give them guns, right?

Second time? Seriously?! Facepalm and and Homer Simpson’s “D’oh!” is in order.

The logical sociopath part of me says let humankind prune the genetic tree by them shooting themselves dead. The altruistic empath part of me says all those wasted lives, dreams, hopes, and aspirations for the future, tragically cut short before they reach their prime. Fortunately (Unfortunately?), humans are procreating faster and faster, creating more future Darwin Awardees faster than Natural Selection can do their work on.

That exponential population growth will fast forward humankind towards Apocalypse, and I’m not talking about the bad guy in the Marvel comics. Lack of food (thanks Monsanto!), water (thanks Nestle!), and other natural resources have already started to make the seething masses of global population’s blood boil. Soon, the tipping point will come, and we will suffer both the cataclysm -and if we’re unfortunate enough- the aftermath… Pray that you don’t survive the cataclysm, because the aftermath will truly be hell on earth:

I guess they weren’t kidding when they said “ let’s play global thermonuclear war”

Hell on earth is a bitch and that’s a fact. A few books and movies has already given us a preview to this fact like the techno-magical “9”, lighthearted “Wall-E”, and generic everybody must die “Mad Max” / ”Maze Runner” / ”Hunger Games”.

At the rate that humankind are breeding, gun violence incident will also increase, at an alarming geometric rate. So how can we have an armed society which somehow negates that fact, and train the current and future generations to stop being assholes and thermonuclear each other in the face? Heinlein wrote about this particular subject in a book called Beyond This Horizon, stating that “An armed society is a polite society”. Unfortunately, his views was a bit simplistic, formed in the days of yore, before Goatse, Meatspin, and Lemon Tea. Heinlein developed his opinion and wrote the book before the old skool “stile project”, and “ogrish” even existed… heck, even before DARPA invented the internet itself!


Jenny : This here, is a REVOLVING AGITATOR

Jenny : This here machine, let us name it the REVOLVING AGITATOR.

Others : Aye! Yes! Bravo! 3 Cheers!

Lisa : Instead of calling you out as a “stupid bitch who don‘t know your shit”, I shall refute you politely by saying that this contraption here should be named the LAUNDRY MACHINE. I’m telling you this politely because we are a polite society, and not because I fear you will blow the shit off my face with your open carry .50c Desert Eagle.

Others : Aye! Yes! Bravo! 3 Cheers!

Jenny : Well! Instead of telling you to “fuck off bitch, this is my factory”, I will politely decline to call it that, and retain the name REVOLVING AGITATOR. I’m telling you this politely because we are a polite society, and not because I fear you will blow my face off with your open carry .45 Glock.

Others : Aye! Yes! Bravo! 3 Cheers!

Narrator : 3 months later, Lisa built her own LAUNDRY MACHINE, started a company, and the rest, as they say, is history…

So, how to fix this predicament? 3d-printed-Internet-of-Things gun. Basically, the gun operates exactly like Judge Dredd’s Lawgiver MK II, except, instead of detecting finger/palm prints, the IoT gun detect the user’s psychological state of mind. For example, it will be functional depending on if whether the user is thinking of protecting against threats, or thinking about running around killing stuff like polar bears, pandas, or other people. Unlike the Lawgiver, the IoT gun does not explode if an unauthorized user tried to use them. Instead, it will just power down and unable to shoot.

And… this is where I come in. Recently, I have discovered a company whose expertise varied from robotics, 3d printing, bitcoin, alternative energy, and cosplay costume making. They manufacture and sell 3D printers… but wait, there’s more! I found out that they also manufactures 3D printed weapon mount, and have successfully tested the mount’s horizontal feature (x axis). It seems that they are now testing the mount vertical feature (y axis), and discussing on plans to incorporate OpenCV trajectory and depth tracking (z axis) and Wifi so that they can blow people’s face off from a distance remotely like in the film “the Jackal”.

Hey buddy, why don’t you run around like a headless chicken. We need to test this here cannon mount. I promise I won’t blow your face off.

But wait, there’s more! They are actually working on a real life Lawgiver prototype!!! The specifics was not clear; the term “3D Printed”, “Raspberry Pi Zero based”, “Internet-of-Things Blockchain based Identity Authentication”, and “Psychological Challenge-Response Authorization” were bandied about.

This is where you come in. They have set up a page on Indiegogo asking for donations for their projects, and taking pre-orders for their printer to bootstrap their operations. Donate to their cause. Buy their printer. Let’s make their vision happen. Let them create the perfect gun that we can use to protect our homes, yet is smart enough to disable itself when it knows that we are having a psychological meltdown. Lawgiver™ for the win.

The Lawgiver™ MK II. Ammunition not included

