What is Explore China?

Carl Pei
Carl Pei
3 min readOct 6, 2018


Earlier this year, we launched a program called Explore China. Given we’re about to conclude Batch 1, I feel it’s the right time to share my motivation behind this program.


Back in November last year, I left my friend Josefine Gillver a series of voice messages. I was worried about the future of Sweden. Historically known to be a great entrepreneurial nation, I felt that the momentum had stopped with no signs of picking up again.

We can name a lot of world leading companies from Sweden, but they’re all old companies (even Spotify is 12!). My feeling was that Sweden had lost its edge. The world was changing, yet Sweden wasn’t adapting fast enough to remain competitive.

Looking at my own experience, business education in Sweden didn’t really prepare me well for the future. Three of the biggest forces that will shape our generation are China, technology, and e-commerce — yet, for the duration of three years, we spent no teaching hours on these topics. Zero.

By deviating from the normal path and moving to China, was I subject to an entire different world of speed, ambition, and opportunity. I can safely say that had I not moved to China, that I wouldn’t have been a part of a journey remotely like the one at OnePlus. I wanted more people to have exposure and access to China, in the hopes that it would also inspire them to accomplish more.

The Idea

Step one is moving from unconscious incompetence to conscious incompetence. We need people to know that there’s a gap. The program Explore China was created for spreading awareness.

First, we bring bright students from Sweden on an all expenses paid two week trip to Beijing, Shanghai, and Shenzhen. There, they get to visit the top tech companies, but also hear from experts, entrepreneurs and professors on the ground about the fast changing China (and experience karaoke and hotpot).

Then, the participants go on university tours across Sweden where inspiration and knowledge is then spread to more people.

Batch 1 Results

Overall, things have gone beyond expectation.

We had 777 applicants for 16 spots, which we’re more than satisfied with considering it’s year one.

The China trip concluded successfully. Businesses, entrepreneurs, and experts were all really supportive and open in sharing their insights. Some businesses saw this as a good recruiting opportunity (it is) and there are already offers out.

From what I can tell, the participants are satisfied and inspired following the trip, and I look forward to seeing the inspiration spread.

During this process, there was been a lot of interest coming from government, companies, and the education sector from all over the world. I think we’re onto something.


Credit where it’s due. Post initial ideation, the team has run this program completely autonomously. Josefine Gillver, Therese Olander, and Carolin He have done a killer job and I’m super proud. All the success is due to them.

