Taxi from Cumberland Infirmary | 01228 812612

Taxi from Carlisle Hopistal | Cumberland Infirmary — Hospital Phone number: 01228 523444

Taxi from Cumberland infirmary to and fro by just calling us on 01228 812612. We recommend you book your taxi in advance so that you don’t get delayed at the last minute and miss your appointment. We advise you based on our experience and want to help you in this matter. Passengers who visit accident and emergency services will be given priority over other bookings. Please note that taxis can not be parked near the accident emergency. Hence, passengers have to be quick to board the taxi or vice versa as quickly as possible.

Wow — Ambience at Cumberland Infirmary
Henry Barnes Suite
New Cancer Research Centre Building — Construction in progress
Cumberland Infirmary main entrance
Accident and Emergency Entrance at Cumberland Infirmary

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